Homepage Update: Reflections on Koeman

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Had time for him because of his approach, if not for his personality. He is a winner who demands success and 100% commitment otherwise he throws you out the door, the club badly needed someone like that in charge at the time and probably still does really.

Made too many errors in the transfer market which ultimately cost him dear. It was definitely the right decision to sack him, just it wasn't the right decision to do it before even sounding out a replacement. That first season was decent even if it did have a few horrible blips which showed his limitations (away at Chelsea, the Anfield derby, the 1 win in about 10 during the autumn period). I'm also convinced though that we'd have still ended up finishing top half had we instead kept him last year but he simply didn't deserve anymore time.

His and Walsh's scattergun policy has undoubtedly done consierable damage the club, the pair of them have to be regarded as massive failures because of that and we're far better now having gotten rid of both. Hasta la vista, don't care what becomes of either now.

In conclusion he was mostly good, for a bit at least, but when things got bad it went VERY bad and his own ego and lack of connection with the fanbase made it impossible for him to turn things around. Fell on his own sword.

However I will say this, he is undoubtedly a better manager than Roberto Martinez and records back that up. He's never gotten a side relegated and no team he's ever managed that had 25-goal a season striker in it would have twice finished bottom half whilst conceding a stupid amount of goals. Morons like davek and others who like to spread this myth that his reign was a disaster of Chernobyl proportions whilst RM was some sort of genius who could have led us to the league title need to actually go to games and learn about what it is they're talking about. And don't bother replying to argue the point you're on ignore.
Firstly, he was an arrogant tool who ostracised Barkley to the point of no return.

BUT, in his defence it was an astonshingly terrible run of fixtures at the start of the season, after a decent start the season unraveled after the international break where we enjoyed an abysmal transfer deadline coupled with Mr Rooney hitting the front page headlines.
The games we lost in the subsequent period were poor but over the course of a season not unusual (Spurs, Arsenal and Man United), the other league loss was to Burnley, who went on to have a great season.
I am confident he would have performed as well as Fat Sam over the rest of the season.
That said, glad his gone.

He was too cold and aloof. There was no connect with him and the club. He probably saw us something as good to have on his cv. He also appeared to be a bully and clueless when it came to man management. I'm sure we have all experienced a toxic working environment at some point in our lives. If that was how the players felt then no wonder it all went t*ts up. Some of his signings were questionable to say the least. I was underwhelmed at the start and it never got better than that. I actually think the damage he and Allardyce inflicted will take years to undo.

I've not read the OP but I thought he was the one to take us to the next level, didn't think his ego would get in the way of that. That Summer transfer window was horrendous. Just because you're ginger doesn't give the right to have a chip on your shoulder.
Said this in another thread but he underachieved at Southampton given the talent he had in the squad and nobody realized it at the time. He basically fooled us by doing the absolute minimum with those Saints teams and then doing the minimum with what he had here the first season. Then him and Walsh went into the summer with no clue what to do and it was all over.
Said this in another thread but he underachieved at Southampton given the talent he had in the squad and nobody realized it at the time. He basically fooled us by doing the absolute minimum with those Saints teams and then doing the minimum with what he had here the first season. Then him and Walsh went into the summer with no clue what to do and it was all over.

I don't like the man but you can't just make stuff up. Seventh with Southampton is not under achieving in any way. It was an extremely good return for a team who lost anyone decent they ever had to the RS every summer during that period.

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