Naismith 3 year extention

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He's 'okay'.

Impact sub at best. His touch is appalling, he has zero creativity and his finishing is abysmal, or at least has turned abysmal. Only thing he has going for him is his tenacity and ability to rile up opposition players. I'd personally rather have a better footballer in the team like.
I thought you were talking about Lukaku until you got to "his tenacity and ability to rile up opposition players", then I realised I was mistaken
The best part is all these players that moaners say aren't good enough for our team should be sent packing but then when asked who should we get in and with what money to replace all these substandard players, you hear nothing but chirping crickets. Yeah I agree we should always be trying to improve the squad in terms of age and quality but some of the moaning is just laughable and the alternatives are nowhere close to realistic.

Someone just tagged me in this. Proves the plotters SPOUT ABSOLUTE TOSH


I know there was an argument on tackles so I collected some stats because I know how You like it :)

Mins played / tackles / tackles won ( in order of attempted tackles)

Barry: 1543 / 40 / 34
Baines: 1710 / 31 / 26
McCarthy: 1104 / 30 / 23
Naismith: 1280 / 30 / 23
Besic: 692 / 29 / 22
Coleman: 1445 / 28 / 22
Jagielka: 1665 / 24 / 21
Distin: 1074 / 21 / 14
Barkley: 966 / 19 / 15
Mirallas: 863 / 11 / 10
Alcaraz: 433 / 11 / 9
Stones: 513 / 10 / 9

I haven't watched the others, just Osman and McGeady but they were below 10. Top five is ok, but the 30/23 and Besic's 29/22 ratio means just around 70-75 % succes. But watching the played mins too I can' really argue with him that he really-really likes to tackle. Don't know if anyone can figure out anything about this apart from @bizzaro : Naismith is good at this too. :)

Read it and weep @MoutsGoat
Needs punting to the bench.

This fella starting week in week out pushing Barkley to the wing was for me the first nail In Martinez's coffin. Sadly our side has never recovered from these inbalanced team selections and no chemistry/partnerships.
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Needs punting to the bench.

This fells starting week in week out pushing Barkley to the wing was for me the first nail In Martinez's coffin. Sadly our side has never recovered from these inbalanced team selections and no chemistry/partnerships.

You need putting on the bench. Even providing statistics you plotters just ignore them.


He's 'okay'.

Impact sub at best. His touch is appalling, he has zero creativity and his finishing is abysmal, or at least has turned abysmal. Only thing he has going for him is his tenacity and ability to rile up opposition players. I'd personally rather have a better footballer in the team like.

Yeah I understand why yourself and others would prefer a creative player in the role behind the striker. Naismith isn't that player but what he does bring to the team is important IMO. I definitely agree that Barkley shouldn't be played wide to accommodate Naismith. Like I've said before id prefer Naismith on the left and Barkley through the middle. Either that or play Ross deeper and he can break forward and use Naismith's clever movement to run into spaces.
Giving Naismith three years says a lot about RM's ambitions.

If you think Naismith is a technically limited player with a good attitude as I do the idea that he will be around for three years is a depressing one. He reminds me of Pemberton and the period when DM was slowly upgrading the team.

Thanks largely to DM, EFC can now attract better, exciting players. Naismith getting three years is a backward step.

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