2019/20 Marcel Brands

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Thats harsh. Iwobi provided a lot of assists in the previous season for Arsenal. He was definitely overpriced due to him being English but his signing wasn't completely ridiculous at the time. Playing more centrally might help him get into better positions for that killer pass. DCL and Kean improving next season could get him the assist numbers his expenditure demands.
Brands saw something in him.
7, that's how many assists he got in the premier league in his last season for Arsenal. In 35 appearances (granted, many of them from the bench). A lot, that is not, it's ok.
The fact Brands saw something in him is not a good thing.
Oh, no thank you then. He was linked when Martinez was brought in, no?

Who knows how he is as a manager as it's been ages. Think he'd be like Moyes tho and much better at identifying talent then actually coaching/managing the talent.
Imagine if El Fraudo had never happened.
This guy being brought in after Moyes left us in such a good position.
Granted we had no money , but with his scouting nous , anything could have happened.
Thats harsh. Iwobi provided a lot of assists in the previous season for Arsenal. He was definitely overpriced due to him being English but his signing wasn't completely ridiculous at the time. Playing more centrally might help him get into better positions for that killer pass. DCL and Kean improving next season could get him the assist numbers his expenditure demands.
Brands saw something in him.
He’s Nigerian.
In fairness the two seasons prior to him coming here Adelphi’s played 22 times each season, so it looked like his injury woes were past him?

I actually think the Adelphi would have been a better option in midfield. Certainly would add a solid wall in front of the back 4.
Probably offer more mobility, and less likely to get into an argument with fans on twitter.

People still supporting this deadbeat. Unreal.

Thankfully many are now waking up to his utter rank signings and fraud status as a mover and shaker and see the nodding dog he is.

Hopefully his time here will be enough to persuade the dim witted carpetbagger to scrap the ludicrous DoF role for good.
People still supporting this deadbeat. Unreal.

Thankfully many are now waking up to his utter rank signings and fraud status as a mover and shaker and see the nodding dog he is.

Hopefully his time here will be enough to persuade the dim witted carpetbagger to scrap the ludicrous DoF role for good.

Give it up, you lost, badly.

Season finished a week ago and there’s only six weeks to go until a new one begins. I hope Brands is having a nice deserved break. Not like there are any pressing transfer concerns we need to address or anything.
Season finished a week ago and there’s only six weeks to go until a new one begins. I hope Brands is having a nice deserved break. Not like there are any pressing transfer concerns we need to address or anything.

i hope he’s sitting on Alex Iwobis private jet, reading this forum and laughing his tits off at the faux fume

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