Lukaku to Spurs

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I don't see how Soldado would fit in to our system though. He's not the kind of player we need, we've had enough strikers under the last management that didnt fit the style of play or score enough goals, I'd hope we are past those signings now.

He is a poacher. Everton can get the ball inside the area but sometimes the team cannot take the chances it creates.
I would take him on loan for next season.
He's a big lad isn't he? Or am I thinking of someone else?

Soldado is 5'10" and looks like a strong wind would blow him over. I take your point about coming alive in the box but I think we need someone physically more powerful as well and someone who offers a decent aerial threat. I think Bony or the guy in Russia would be better fits, younger than Soldado as well.
OK. So lets look at the known interest in Lukaku, and by known I mean media strories, as thats all we have to go on.

Everton, Newcastle and Spurs.

So, do people still think we have no chance in signing him ????

Tottenham Hotspurs where players go and do #### all.

Pienaar fancied the move aswell once upon a time, came back with his tail between his legs when he seen Benoit Assou Ekotu playing left back instead of Baines.

I have been convinced trough the years that Spurs scouting network consists of, let's see who Everton are interested in and we will blow them away with money, I actually enjoyed Liverpool stuffing them Sunday to a certain extent.

As for Soldado another player ruined by Spurs, he was first choice Spainish striker last season, came at a higher price than Negredo and look what happened to him. RUINED. I think Roberto could easily bring the best out in Soldado.

As for the newspaper story, it's that time of year again when they decide to "Lets sell the Everton team" Stones, Barkley, Coleman will all be linked to some club during the summer months, especially Barkley if his new contract doesn't get signed.

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