2017/18 Jonjoe Kenny

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Woke up this morning feeling fine,
Got Jonjoe Kenny on my find,
He's number 43 down the right hand side,
Oh yeah,
Something tells me Holgates a centre half

Something along them lines


Just horrible......the Mancs have made that song their own and it annoying as all get out :mad:

Feel sorry for him. Three of that back four should be on the scrap heap, and he is not one of them.

It was a mistake, but it shouldn't define his place in the team. Seen some brilliant defenders score worse own goals than that.

Sandy Brown gained cult status at this club due to his spectacular own goals ;)

And JonJoe is not even being “credited” with it anyway :dance:

Thought he had a decent game tonight after having to play both left and right side. Made a few good tackles, worked hard and played one particularly good ball to Lennon which Siggurdson should have done better with.
He did ok. In a more confident team he'll deliver some quality into the box too. He's obviously got potential.

But what is it about him sometinmes letting the ball go through him and out for an opposition throw in?! I've seen this a few times now, not just tonight: he seems to be there in position to take a pass, it comes to him and he lets it go by him and out. His focus isn't all it should be. He seems to take his eye off the ball.

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