I'll forever thank Moyes for this moment.

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People give stick to Moyes, but his decision to play Fellaini in an advanced position this year is going to make us very dangerous. Felli is a one off. There's no one else like him.

He was such a MONSTER today. I've never been more optimistic as an Everton fan. We're not deep enough to win the league, but I'll be damned if I'm not believing we can do something extraordinary this year. I love this team.
I literally wouldn't know what to do if we ever sold him. I'm praying that we get taken over, if not for major money, just enough to keep Fellaini here forever.
I wonder when the BBC will get round to highlighting every tackle he makes and calling him a thug as they've done so in the past ,

it's inevitable there will be bids for him, probably big whopper ones too

but fk taking the money, we could make more from finishing top four and getting in those CL places (on a regular basis)

and with the right players around him this guy could fkn get us there, and I mean that

Think tonight was his greatest performance in a royal blue shirt.
One day there'll be a statue outside Goodison (the developed one of course), of Fellaini loving life and Moyes on his shoulders - holding the CL trophy.

Ill never forget the next morning on here, people didnt know wheather to fume, be happy or just say "who, thats not Defour"!

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