If you could ask Roberto Martinez...

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dunno if asked yet but

bobby did you know of everton before you came to the uk and if so why and what is your 1st memory?
after all those reports of other offers which you didnt take what was it about everton that made you take the job?

apart from wigans relegation


if you had to ditch one of our first choice eleven, and play in that position yourself

who would you replace and why ???

Other than those that have already featured for the first team, who is the most exciting young player currently at the Club?
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Bet the lad he did the OP is fuming here. Genuine question and the thread was trashed since the first answer

Can you find a thread on here that hasn't been trashed at some point??

Lets have some serious responses fellas.

:blink: Bruce you asked four questions!!! :lol:

Bobby you're that little super hero that's the total opposite of your arch nemeses (Moyes) aren't you ..... Mr Positivity vs Mr Negativity! C'mon now Bobby, we've all seen unbreakable, we know how it works, you are aren't you??
I would ask him if he is still soak.

Edit: FFS now I am the third person to mention that in this thread. :lol:


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