Help a blue out - bootle area

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Player Valuation: £60m
Hi Blues.

@GrandOldTeam I hope you dont mind me putting it here, hoping it'll get maximum reach and with a bit of a luck can be deleted quickly!

in 2010 Me and my dad went to the Australia tour, and basically met the same couple in each city (on the official group), since we had been a couple of aways since and ever year, they send us a Christmas card and every year my dad gets upset because he can't send one back as he's lost the address and I think he's broke his phone a couple of times.. (He's been through an awful lot, remarkable list of injuries including brain damage). I'd like to if possible, using GOT's power be able to get in touch or have him get in touch with us and see if I can sort something out. (Even if its not in time for xmas that's fine!) This may seem like a very small thing but with how much my dad has struggled the past 19 years, with little quality of life and freedom, things like this really boost his morale and make his day better.

I'm just wondering if anyone knows a man known as Dixie (wife called Sheila) who was around the bootle area back then. I remember he seemed to know almost everybody in the the away end so hoping someone will know him or have a contact for him! Loves his Guinness if I remember correctly as well! He's been absolutely everywhere watching us. We are from Wigan so not in the local area. I'm not asking for any contact details, just a simple telling him to contact us would be ace!

Any help would be appreciated, trying to do a small thing for my dad after the absolute horror show 2020 has been.

Thanks blues.

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