Everton - Endgame

What will be the endgame

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777 take over but its not long term, and club is sold again within 2 years

Is my prediction
Think it would of happened by now if it was gonna be 777, they are just being used now to keep us running til end of season and then the Premier league will step in and let them know that they have failed the 'Fit and Proper' test, and it will be a wonderful farewell...

Mosh will get his ass kicked and pushed aside, whilst we open the doors back up for Interested parties to get a look in. The outstanding debt will get taken on by one Investment firm, who possibly will take a percentage of the club.

We will battle to stay afloat for another season in the premiership whilst the club gradually gets fixed off the field.
and come 2025 we will be moving into our new stadium, not a rented stadium. Our Stadium !!!

After a year of big sales, the Transfer threads will Gradually start becoming a bit more Appealing.

And year on year Relegation battles will become a thing of the past..

If 777 don’t obtain ownership, which looks unlikely, then there are only a few short term options. Moshiri supports us until a new buyer is found, MSO take a share with a view of finding a partner, or administration. The last two seem the most likely in my mind.
Administration must be a serious possibility if that is the timescale. And basically hampers the summer market even after selling key players for big market.

Basically where RS were in 2010. Hicks/Gillett were having their squabble and running them into the ground and think they were only 48 hours away from admin before Fenway came in.

The last few weeks have been the brightest for a couple of years on the pitch but feels like just one big hallucination with what is to come.
I'm relaxed about it. As I said above: our major worry evaporated when we got 3 home wins on the bounce to maintain our PL status.

There's a lot of scaremongering going on from people who have Everton in their sights and / or those who don't but have incomplete intelligence about our situation.

Once 777's extended deadline runs out the starting pistol will ring out and we'll get our genuine suitors.

I'm relaxed about it. As I said above: our major worry evaporated when we got 3 home wins on the bounce to maintain our PL status.

There's a lot of scaremongering going on from people who have Everton in their sights and / or those who don't but have incomplete intelligence about our situation.

Once 777's extended deadline runs out the starting pistol will ring out and we'll get our genuine suitors.

I think this. MSP probably wanted to see if they could pay them back before going to the market to find suitors.

MSP can take control of the club but probably don't want to themselves but they can open the door for someone else at a fee.
People seem to think we'd go straight into administration. That's not usually the case. Usually there's a CVA first (Creditors Voluntary Arrangement) where the club appoints one of the big accountancy groups to contact all creditors and ask them if they'll take 50p in the pound for their debt, otherwise the club will go into administration and they risk getting nothing. It's at this point in time that investment groups get interested as they see a chance to buy an asset for less than its value.
I think this. MSP probably wanted to see if they could pay them back before going to the market to find suitors.

MSP can take control of the club but probably don't want to themselves but they can open the door for someone else at a fee.

I have very little idea on the finances of this club, just the outline of it at best.

But it seems to me that - apart from the ongoing stadium financing - this isn't an unusual sale. The handing of time to one party to own the club to prove they have the wherewithal before moving onto other interested parties is standard. As long as Everton can still find the cash to keep the club going as a concern while this process carries on what is the issue? The roll over of all that borrowing will fall to the new owner to take care of, whomever they may be.

I think as fans we have to accept we'll never know the full details of our situation and those among us that believe they do and offer their 'expertise' are doing their fellow fans a disservice. They merely sow confusion and fear.

My advice is to just settle down and enjoy the summer. Leave the club ownership issue to those who are working on it, because we can have no impact on it.

You know what, he might be a bit of a bell and he would no doubt introduce some things that would drive fans nuts (BMD being plastered with Sports Direct and Frasers branding for example) but he would get the club making money because that's what he does.
Getting a club making money is not what he does. Getting Mike Ashley making money is what he does.

Newcastle's commercial revenue was 27.6M when he took over in 2007 and had only increased to £29.1M by 2020 when he sold up 13 years later. That's an absolutely pitiful performance for such a big side in a one club city and more so taking inflation into consideration. For context this is a club that at the turn of the century were the 5th highest revenue generating club in the world and second only to Man Utd in terms of revenue within the UK.

Under his stewardship the club was relegated and made astute decisions such as bringing in the dream team of Dennis Wise and Joe Kinnear. Giving Alan Pardew and his entire backroom staff 8 year contract extensions was another great idea until they were sacked 2 years later with the deals being paid out in full. Then he brought in Steve McLaren and others of that calibre.

And that's before you get into the full picture of what him being a bell actually is. Putting the entire non-first team staff at Newcastle on furlough during the Covid lockdowns was shameful and he has a long history of contempt for workers rights. He's a pretty abhorrent individual judging by the noise around him. You can't claim to give a toss about Everton football club and want someone like him anywhere near it - they are two entirely incompatible stances.

He may well have offloaded the club into incredible wealth (at a moral cost - but not entirely relevant to this) but it wasn't a matter of him holding out for the best deal for Newcastle. He spent over 10 years trying to get rid at a price that worked for him, not what was right for the club and was quite happy for the club to aimlessly drift so long as his finances didn't take a hit. He would have put it into the hands of anyone so long as he himself made enough dough.

If someone like him ended up anywhere near the club in any capacity Sports Direct adverts would be the least of the issues. We'd be tenants in BMD. He's had no issue whatsoever with serving Coventry an eviction notice from their ground and would have no issue with doing the same to Everton Football Club.
Do you think there will be an auction if we are placed into administration? I may pop down to Sotherby’s and bid up to £2.50 for big Mick Keane so he wash my windows.
Keep thinking of the silver linings...

Team on the possible brink of Administration stopped the title bid of the RS!!!! ;)
