Do you need balls to be a football manager.

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Tactics are minimal in football, a keeper plus 3 lines consisting of defenders, mids and attackers, emphasis on attack or defence is via an extra man accordingly positioned in midfield - thats it, piss easy.

The real deal is man management and this applies whatever the industry, can you deal with people, gain respect, motivate.

Personally I've never met such a woman but in politics they seem to be there - Thatch being the obvious one (not my cup o tea) so why not?

If she got it because of political reasons like some sort of positive discrimination I'd be against it for exactly the same reasons as why I would be in favour of a female manager. If they're the best person for the job I'd be all for it, I only want the best for Everton and if someone is the best suited for the job they should get the job regardless of gender.
Id be all for female players if they were good enough

Didn't AC Milan sign a female player to their youth academy? So it could be a reality in the future.

The only reason I would go against it is that it might make the games less fair because men might be less inclined to be more physical towards a woman on the pitch but that could be avoided by having one female player on each team, but again that will cause arguments about positive discrimination. It's really an endless argument but it would be interesting to see it happen.

I'd be furious if a bird was our top scorer with 20 goals and we were top and then the next day she's out for 9 months coz she's Keith Cheggers.
It will happen, but they won't be good enough for the top..... Why? Because women ain't as good at doing things as men are, fact!
Ddidn't the German ladies' national team play against the U-17 boys team and lose 4-0? It was a few years ago. Despite all the PC crap from Hollywood, women are physically much less able than men.

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