Discussion & help on depression & mental health related issues

I've just been feeling nauseous when I wake up and before I go to sleep, been yawning a lot too but that's no different to usual. Except when I do yawn I feel sick but only for a second. It's also giving me a tooth ache and a locked jaw. The doctor and other people who have taken the same thing said it can be expected for a few weeks, I've got an appointment on the 17th so I'll mention it then, it's not bothering me too much it did for the first few days but its okay now
I'm no expert but that does sound quite common... The jaw ache is textbook sadly .... It does take 4-6 weeks for this type of medication to reach its plateau so stick with it.... If the nausea and yawning/tiredness ? Persist...be sure to mention it... Sometimes they can prescribe counteractive drugs to alleviate these symptoms .... I'm sure there's more on here who know more than me.
I'm no expert but that does sound quite common... The jaw ache is textbook sadly .... It does take 4-6 weeks for this type of medication to reach its plateau so stick with it.... If the nausea and yawning/tiredness ? Persist...be sure to mention it... Sometimes they can prescribe counteractive drugs to alleviate these symptoms .... I'm sure there's more on here who know more than me.

yeah i think it is quite common, not sure why though, seems odd to me but as you say im sure there are people who know more

and yeah definitely going to mention it, i mean i was on another medication for a stomach related issue and i think that might have been making me feel double sick so i've stopped taking that and it seems to be working at the moment
Again others will know better than I but I think a few of these drugs have nurological effects which cause short term nerve spasms and general nerve discomfort.... I could be totally wrong though. Worth a chat with a psychiatrist/ psychologist/well informed GP.... good luck toyou anyway .... Hope things continue to turn around.
You're having similar side effects to what I experienced, but they pass mate so stick with it. If you start getting any mental side effects then you need to see the doctor asap.
Hello guys & gals.

Been going to counselling for a bit, and what I can highly recommend is mindfulness. In fact, I go to our uni's counselling/student support, and they showed me that there are some available audio tracks/meditations from a book called "Mindfulness: Finding Peace in a Frantic World". I'm finding it helpful and it helps me focus a lot (I have something I'd describe as "scatterbrain" as well as being depressed quite often), as well as keep me happier and move me away from my bad mood.

If anyone wants to give it a bash - http://franticworld.com/resources/free-meditations-from-mindfulness-for-health/ . Most of the meditations take between 3 and 20 minutes, and I've found them helpful, personally. I know it's not everyone's cup of tea, but whoever wants - it won't hurt and only takes 10 minutes of your time! I'd also suggest that if you do them - do them a few times, as not everyone catches on first time...

Hope it helps! x

Hello guys & gals.

Been going to counselling for a bit, and what I can highly recommend is mindfulness. In fact, I go to our uni's counselling/student support, and they showed me that there are some available audio tracks/meditations from a book called "Mindfulness: Finding Peace in a Frantic World". I'm finding it helpful and it helps me focus a lot (I have something I'd describe as "scatterbrain" as well as being depressed quite often), as well as keep me happier and move me away from my bad mood.

If anyone wants to give it a bash - http://franticworld.com/resources/free-meditations-from-mindfulness-for-health/ . Most of the meditations take between 3 and 20 minutes, and I've found them helpful, personally. I know it's not everyone's cup of tea, but whoever wants - it won't hurt and only takes 10 minutes of your time! I'd also suggest that if you do them - do them a few times, as not everyone catches on first time...

Hope it helps! x

Glad to hear you're doing well sunshine xxxx
It absolutely brilliant how this thread has worked out. Thanks to the contributors for posting. Sometimes it must have been difficult, and the responses from so many of you/us is a magnificent validation for @Groucho to kick it off in the first place.

And a brilliant reflection on GOT, Evertonians, and you lot.;)
Hello guys & gals.

Been going to counselling for a bit, and what I can highly recommend is mindfulness. In fact, I go to our uni's counselling/student support, and they showed me that there are some available audio tracks/meditations from a book called "Mindfulness: Finding Peace in a Frantic World". I'm finding it helpful and it helps me focus a lot (I have something I'd describe as "scatterbrain" as well as being depressed quite often), as well as keep me happier and move me away from my bad mood.

If anyone wants to give it a bash - http://franticworld.com/resources/free-meditations-from-mindfulness-for-health/ . Most of the meditations take between 3 and 20 minutes, and I've found them helpful, personally. I know it's not everyone's cup of tea, but whoever wants - it won't hurt and only takes 10 minutes of your time! I'd also suggest that if you do them - do them a few times, as not everyone catches on first time...

Hope it helps! x

I've just ordered this for my sister mate so cheers for posting the link. She's having to wait two months until she can be seen so in between talking to her I think anything like this could help her a little bit so its worth a go.
I was thinking that this was some other ironic thread like so many others so didn't even bother having a look at it, now I see how serious it is...

Do you guys have any idea what to do in case of a lack of self confidence? I really don't have any in my private life. I've realised that I am absolutely different in my behaviour on, say, the internet and in person. Here, I perceive absolutely no anxiety, probably because I'm in effect typing on a keyboard and watching a darn monitor, but in person, I always feel anxious when I'm in a group of people. I've not been going out lately too much, less and less to be honest, and even if I do, only with friends I've known for ages, in fact, I shun meeting new people and avoid getting into contact with people. When I do, I often feel that my heart starts to beat quicker and I feel edgy. I'm not much of a communicator, it takes a lot of effort to get a conversation going. I have virtually zero confidence with girls, I would never have the guts to ask someone out or anything. Mostly I "escape" into eating owing to which I always have a weight issue, sometimes I manage to keep it under control with exercising and losing weight but then I fall back and begin to gain weight again... I just don't know how I could gain a bit of confidence when it comes to interacting with people, it would be so much easier than spending all the time home in front of a computer screen, I often think about how miserable I am for not being able to actually get my life going. I mean, I'm 23 years old, I still go to university, but if I finish it in a year or two, I'll have to start working permanently and I can't live all my life with my parents. I mean, I could theoretically, but I would disappoint them massively in that case.

Any advice?

I was thinking that this was some other ironic thread like so many others so didn't even bother having a look at it, now I see how serious it is...

Do you guys have any idea what to do in case of a lack of self confidence? I really don't have any in my private life. I've realised that I am absolutely different in my behaviour on, say, the internet and in person. Here, I perceive absolutely no anxiety, probably because I'm in effect typing on a keyboard and watching a darn monitor, but in person, I always feel anxious when I'm in a group of people. I've not been going out lately too much, less and less to be honest, and even if I do, only with friends I've known for ages, in fact, I shun meeting new people and avoid getting into contact with people. When I do, I often feel that my heart starts to beat quicker and I feel edgy. I'm not much of a communicator, it takes a lot of effort to get a conversation going. I have virtually zero confidence with girls, I would never have the guts to ask someone out or anything. Mostly I "escape" into eating owing to which I always have a weight issue, sometimes I manage to keep it under control with exercising and losing weight but then I fall back and begin to gain weight again... I just don't know how I could gain a bit of confidence when it comes to interacting with people, it would be so much easier than spending all the time home in front of a computer screen, I often think about how miserable I am for not being able to actually get my life going. I mean, I'm 23 years old, I still go to university, but if I finish it in a year or two, I'll have to start working permanently and I can't live all my life with my parents. I mean, I could theoretically, but I would disappoint them massively in that case.

Any advice?

Hi Mate,

Up to the age of 16 I had no self-confidence and was incredibly shy, then one day I realised that people with no more ability, no greater looks, no better humour or more interesting in conversation than me were getting on in life and I was being left behind.

So I decided to do something about it, it wasn't easy at first, but it wasn't too long before the self-confidence issues faded away. You see, some people are their own worst critics, and as such create endless reasons why others won't like them, won't be interested in them, won't fancy them etc etc. The truth is that none of us are all good, nor all bad.

No-one is really looking for perfection in a friend, even in a lover or long term partner - frankly it doesn't exist. In fact people's weaknesses can often be their most endearing qualities.

You say you have friends which is great - start with your best friend and ask him/her what are the qualities you have that make you friends? Tell him/her you are a bit short on confidence and you need the trusted opinion of someone who likes you.

From that you have a base to start from. You must have interests and hobbies, or something you would like to do but don't currently - as you are at Uni there's likely to be a society or club for similar interests. Armed with what your friend tells you, join a society of people with similar interests and you'll (i) have something in common and (ii) have some knowledge of what others might find attractive in you.

From that you will find making friends and having conversations easier - then you can move onto other things, but start with the first step...

Let us know how you get on.


the esk
Hey all, long time reader first time poster, Had to try to contribute here.
Been a longterm sufferer of the blues (bloos) for 20 odd years now. No self confidence, Finding small trivial matters to some are blown out of all proportion to me.
My doctor asked "sleeping Ok ??, lack of energy ?? thoughts of suicide ???...no yeah...and sometimes. Prescribed me 20 mg Citalopram. That was 7 years ago, Yeah, Being depressed is a horrible feeling as it seems like It's a cloud or hood that falls over the lids of the eyes for no apparent reason. Have to say though that the Citalopram has helped immeserably .....except with spelling. Only thing that seems to have been effected has been the inability to show any real deep feelings for, well anything in particular. Very Mtv attention span like, It seems there is no magical medicine here to help for everything. Luckily My wife has been a fantastic partner in all this and generally supports me and tbh that seems the most important part of the process. Family, exercise, Music ??
Boards of canada, prefuse 73, Proem and Autechre very much help with my busy mind. They seem to relax the brain with unexpected sonic waves...can't explain it but Electronic music Deffo helps too.
Hey all, long time reader first time poster, Had to try to contribute here.
Been a longterm sufferer of the blues (bloos) for 20 odd years now. No self confidence, Finding small trivial matters to some are blown out of all proportion to me.
My doctor asked "sleeping Ok ??, lack of energy ?? thoughts of suicide ???...no yeah...and sometimes. Prescribed me 20 mg Citalopram. That was 7 years ago, Yeah, Being depressed is a horrible feeling as it seems like It's a cloud or hood that falls over the lids of the eyes for no apparent reason. Have to say though that the Citalopram has helped immeserably .....except with spelling. Only thing that seems to have been effected has been the inability to show any real deep feelings for, well anything in particular. Very Mtv attention span like, It seems there is no magical medicine here to help for everything. Luckily My wife has been a fantastic partner in all this and generally supports me and tbh that seems the most important part of the process. Family, exercise, Music ??
Boards of canada, prefuse 73, Proem and Autechre very much help with my busy mind. They seem to relax the brain with unexpected sonic waves...can't explain it but Electronic music Deffo helps too.

Welcome mate, great place for your first post - plenty of people on here to chat to if it helps....
