Discussion & help on depression & mental health related issues

that seems to be one of my problems at the moment, a poor sleep pattern. I just feel tired all the time even when I have had a sleep but I can't sleep then lol. waking up is like having a hangover, thick head and dry mouth like you described. my head pressure was relieved by a stent as the blood flow to the head was ok but wasn't flowing back down as it should.

Possibly side effects from your meds ?

Speak to the Mac nurses mate.
The one thing I've suffered massively with is self esteem, since I became single I've zero confidence.

Any interests outside of work ?

Possibly join a club based around any interests you have, whatever that may be.

No ice to break with like minded people and also you'll meet new people doing something you enjoy.

My missus has a mate who split up with the fella she thought she was going to marry in her mid thirties and was in a bad way as a result. She was a mad cylclist, as was her fella. She had to join another cycling club as she couldn't bear being in the same one as her ex, she met her now husband in the new cycling group.

Didn't make the team for first cricket game of the season. Been training hard for the last 2 months, and been about the I my thing I've been looking forward to. I've never been dropped in my life, played top level for 14 years now, this is all new to me. I'm thoroughly down right now. The only thing left I had to look forward to.
Didn't make the team for first cricket game of the season. Been training hard for the last 2 months, and been about the I my thing I've been looking forward to. I've never been dropped in my life, played top level for 14 years now, this is all new to me. I'm thoroughly down right now. The only thing left I had to look forward to.
Don't let your head go down.

Work hard and use the disappointment as motivation to get back into the team.
Don't let your head go down.

Work hard and use the disappointment as motivation to get back into the team.
That's the goal definitely, and I will train doubly hard this coming week, but damn it hurts, especially when you're already near rock bottom. It's a surreal feeling, I can see how professionals get so up and down and throw it all away when they're told they're too old, bit like that Mcateer story.
I'm only an amateur level now, but it's never happened. If I'd been lazy or not trained I would understand.
I'll be ok in the morning but this site sucks when you already hurting.
Oh also I immediately feel stupid being so down about not being picked for a sports team when there's people in this thread suffering actual problems and crisis. I'm sorry. This just got me down again. But it's nothing compared to what a couple of you are going through, you inspire me to fix myself.
If it's important to you, then it's not stupid.

Unless you're worrying about Oreo's or something. That'd be stupid....

Oh also I immediately feel stupid being so down about not being picked for a sports team when there's people in this thread suffering actual problems and crisis. I'm sorry. This just got me down again. But it's nothing compared to what a couple of you are going through, you inspire me to fix myself.

I played in the best schoolboy Sunday league team in my area of Liverpool, from the ages of about 10 - 14 and got dropped for no apparent reason at the age of 14, spending the whole season as a sub.

It affected me that badly that I stopped playing football for ten years.

It's your self confidence that's taken a big knock, not your sporting ability.

In hindsight I should've moved teams as my face didn't fit anymore, but I was that hung up on being in the best team, I couldn't see it.

Maybe something to think about ?
Thanks. It's good to speak with someone going through a similar thing. It feels quite surreal to me currently but not the end of the world, weirdly. We had a break from each other for a good few days and then today it was decided that it was definitely over. He didn't want to fight for it and I am of a similar opinion really as not getting any helpful signs from him whatsoever. So I am now free and back at my parents' house :( but it's somewhere to stay and that's all good. I will have to go and collect my things from the house tomorrow and move it all into here.

To those speaking about the men in the bar... I agree with you. I don't think I have thrown away anything for the sake of being with someone from the pub haha... My point was that I shouldn't be getting any feelings like that if I am truly happy in my relationship at home. Yes I agree that everybody can do a bit of 'window shopping' and fancy other people but that's as far as it goes and it shouldn't be occupying your mind unless there are problems at home. That was my point anyway. I thought about everything for a good few weeks before deciding that I just wasn't happy at home and then tried to find the root of the problems and sat down with him to discuss it in the hope of fixing it. Unfortunately it seemed unable to be solved!

As I say... It all feels a bit surreal but I must try to keep my head up. I've been through relationship break up sh** before (haven't we all?) and I know that it isn't the end of the world.
I can understand your querying whether 'window shopping' is a sign of discontent, but I think it is more a case of human nature.
I mean, we all like to be liked, and attention of the right sort is nice to receive. After all, flirtation is merely 'attention without intention'.
Also, infatuation is an involuntary reaction. It can happen without warning and very often without rational, but is usually only temporary. But it does nobody any harm, and is usually just a passing fantasy. All part of the rich and inexplicable nature of the human mind.
So what you may feel a bit guilty about is just an everyday emotion.
But reading your post, you sound like virtually anybody who has an emotional break up and questions everything and wonders about their own failings. But reading what you have written, you appear to be very level headed and are considering all aspects almost from a neutral perspective.
That is a very mature and responsible way to evaluate the recent events, and I honestly, believe you will be the person you really are in no time.
