Homepage Update: Reflections on Koeman

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The loss of Lukaku messed him up even more. But he had ample opportunities to buy another striker but once Giroud did one he turned down every other striker we could have signed.

And that was that really.

Such an odd bloke.

Ironically saw a load of my Saints mates begging for him to come back there which amused me.
It looked like they banked on Giroud joining but he pulled out late and we didn’t prepare for it. We’ve done that a few times in recent years.
We had a really tough start to the season and then he couldn’t get things back on track. Maybe divisions behind the scenes.
Don’t think he was as bad as people make out but he had to go when he did.
Never wanted him from day 1. Always rated him as a legend of a player but not as a Manager. The day he was announced he was sat at a bar on his jolly's and nothing was going to make him cut his holiday short unless it was of course Barcelona who had come calling and it was a couple of weeks later before he even arrived. The nature of the man was clear from the start. He (and Walsh) are the reason that Everton ended up with Allardyce. Definitely shouldn't forget about any of them.
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Not really his fault, he was never in charge of player recruitment and was handed a bunch of mercenaries and a team full of no.10's. Even then we managed to get a decent away result at city to start with but once the fixtures started to bite we were doomed.

Not saying he was brilliant and would have won us stuff had he stayed but he wasn't the main reason we had a gash season.
Fat bell whiff. The fact we have to pay him and allardyce wedge for being woeful irks me everytime I think about it.
Football management and high up in the banking sector are the only jobs I can think of that you get a massive pay off for doing a bad job. Whatever faults silva has, I am assured he only wants the best for the club, whereas Koeman only looked after himself.
It looked like they banked on Giroud joining but he pulled out late and we didn’t prepare for it. We’ve done that a few times in recent years.
We had a really tough start to the season and then he couldn’t get things back on track. Maybe divisions behind the scenes.
Don’t think he was as bad as people make out but he had to go when he did.

They definitely had other options after Giroud but seemed so bummed out after he jibbed us that they just gave up.

So weird.

Called us 'Everton' and not 'we' from the start.


Signings were scatter gun in nature and he had no identifiable style of football.

Overall a truly horrific period in our history followed by something even worse. I am just trying to blank it out to be honest.

Had to deal with the carnage left by Martinez and along with Walsh, got it totally wrong that 2nd season.....think those on here who say he didn't really care about the club are spot on.....we were in his mind just a stepping stone to what he thought would be the manager's job at Barca......lol .
Just think, if Silva left and went to manage Portugal.......

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