Transfer Rumour Wayne Rooney

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This loan deal doesn't sit right with me, shows no commitment from Rooney. It's basically Rooney wanting his cake and eating it. He's going to come here for a year on huge wages that UTD have to pay him and then I wouldn't be suprised if he did one at the end of the season to the USA or ASIA. If he really wanted to be here he'd take some sort of supplemented pay off from UTD and take a wage within our wage structure for a deal lasting longer than a year.

It'd be interesting to see where he would've gone had his contract at UTD been up this Summer, I'm betting not here.

John Terry, for all his faults has just turned down more money at other clubs and chosen the a certain club for a non financial reason, Rooney has way more reason to want to commit to Everton.
tell me you are not citing John Terry as an example of morality!
If so, why is it a bad thing Ian?

Get him here for a year, with an agreed free transfer lined up if it works out?

If it doesn't work out and he is indeed past it, we haven't got him for 2/3 years?

I'm not saying it's definitely one or the other. We'll wait and see. But I don't think there'd be much wrong with a loan, and equally I don't think there'd be much wrong with a 2 yr deal either.
All I'm saying is that from UTD's POV why would they want to pay half his wages to release him on a free in 12 months. Surley they would let him go now and pay a little bit towards the remainder of Rooney's contract, that way Rooney could show exactly how commited to us he is. As it stands, Rooney is going to get all the aclaim of the 'return of the prodigal son' and 'welcome home wayne' whilst taking his massive wage. Then I wouldn't be suprised if he did one at the end of the season, whcih is all well and good unless he does really well, and then will he be willing to take 100k p/w from us? or will he move abroad when the UTD money has ran out.
Lol why would we care what clubs of other fans think about this? We don't care what the RS say... except when they're mean and it hurts my feelings because Wayne Rooney might not be the best signing we've ever made even though there's a good chance he'll be really good for us and at a one year loan for half his wages that we can easily afford why the hell not?

...I distinctly recall them laughing when little old Everton spent £28m on Lukaku. There's a status quo in this city and we have to turn that around.

Lol why would we care what clubs of other fans think about this? We don't care what the RS say... except when they're mean and it hurts my feelings because Wayne Rooney might not be the best signing we've ever made even though there's a good chance he'll be really good for us and at a one year loan for half his wages that we can easily afford why the hell not?

Well it's not great that Liverpool fans on Twitter are laughing their heads off at us for getting Rooney and paying him 125k a week for it.
All three of those players had shown in the preceding seasons that they could still perform at the same standard. None of the three are known for their pace/dynamism as being a massive part of their game. Pirlo is another one seeing as you are listed great older players who have nothing in common with Rooney and his position in football currently.
I can only see him being off the boil this last half of the season. Could be because he knew he was on his way out? Anyway season before last he schooled us good style in the semi final.

...I distinctly recall them laughing when little old Everton spent £28m on Lukaku. There's a status quo in this city and we have to turn that around.
It's boss right now though mate because they are really panicking! You look on any website like BBC that allows comments and when we're announced as signing players it's all RS on there giving it large how 'we're just spending the Lukaku money' 'they're crap anyway' 'Dutch football is rubbish' 'Sunderland reject' etc. They're scared of the new Everton (who they supposedly don't care about) and I think it's great!
All I'm saying is that from UTD's POV why would they want to pay half his wages to release him on a free in 12 months. Surley they would let him go now and pay a little bit towards the remainder of Rooney's contract, that way Rooney could show exactly how commited to us he is. As it stands, Rooney is going to get all the aclaim of the 'return of the prodigal son' and 'welcome home wayne' whilst taking his massive wage. Then I wouldn't be suprised if he did one at the end of the season, whcih is all well and good unless he does really well, and then will he be willing to take 100k p/w from us? or will he move abroad when the UTD money has ran out.
I think its been clear that he could just sit the year out at United and cost them about 12M in wages. This way they save 6M - seems like a good deal for them. He doesn't want to go to China and no one else would pay him 250 a week. This is a sound financial move all around - he is worth 125 a week to us in pr and name recognition going forward. The selling shirts argument....
Well it's not great that Liverpool fans on Twitter are laughing their heads off at us for getting Rooney and paying him 125k a week for it.
I think it's brilliant, they've gone from the whole 'we don't care about little everton' to going out of their way to comment on everything we do. They are scared of the new Everton mate.
A loan makes "sense" for everyone, United get rid of a player they dont really want on a massive wage, we pay a % of his wages, Rooney gets to "come home".
It doesn't make sense to UTD when they could get him completely off their books now instead of paying him his wage or a part of for a year and then losing him for free then. If Rooney is committed to Everton he should be signing a permanent deal. as is, it looks like he won't take a pay cut to play here, he won't commit to longer than a year to play here, he's using us to try and get in the England team and he will more than likely match his UTD wage in 12 months when he will be free to go where he wants. That will be interesting, especially if he's still wanted here at that point.

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