Lukaku to Spurs

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Yeah I'm sure. I just think him and WBA had one of those seasons last year cos look at em now.

And going by what you say, in theory for us, a better side, more quality and creative, he should have more goals for us considering he's played more mins.

IMO, goals wise, he should have a better return I feel. If we're going to fork out £20m or more on him, then we've got to take into account all the aspects of Lukaku's game.

We're not cash rich so spending £20m on a single player is a big thing for us. Let's all be honest here, his touch is shocking and if it's as bad now after all the drills and training he's had from a young age all the way through the Anderlecht academy then it's not gonna improve much further down the line is it.

His touch and work rate is the issue for me right now as his hold up play and goal scoring exploits can be worked on and improved and that's why I'd still like us to buy him but as a full package currently, I don't think he's worth more than £20m right now, but that's just my opinion.

At the end of the day we're paying for what he is now, not what he's going to be cos let's face it, Lukaku as stated clearly he wants CL and if we don't make it this season but he can see what we're aiming for and still signs but we don't keep up the standards and fall short of even pushing for CL, he will want out in a matter of years and he'll be gone before we've even seen him fulfil his potential?!

I have to agree with these points. As much as I like the guy and rave about him when he has a good game, there are other games where he just goes missing or looks like he's not bothered. It's games like these when I think that there are other strikers out there who could do an effective job. Strikers who would cost less. He is on loan at the end of the day and should be busting a gut to show how good he is and to prove to Mourinho that he made a mistake in not starting him at Chelsea, instead of going missing in games and talking himself up.
By the time he does fulfill his potential or learn how to trap a ball, he will probably want to move on if we are not CL regulars (and if we even get him in the first place).
"Potential" is a very tricky word. Nobody knows if and when that potential will be fulfilled. Could be next year or only in 5 years time. For all the "boss slotter" comments, he only has 13 league goals. Remy in a poor Newcastle side has the same amount and Rodriguez has 15 league goals.
If he stays, that's good but if he goes, then we'll find a suitable replacement. We aren't a one man team or there to be used just as a stepping stone. I don't think we should allow ourselves to be held to ransom when the time comes.



it's actually wilfried do you have a fave dog called willfried? ha

Details. Bony will always be called Wilfred to me.
Couldn't give a flying what his all-round play is like as long as he slots. And he does. He's settled, has proved for years now that he can handle the league, has fitted in well at the club and is 20.

I don't fancy waiting around for another umpteen years for us to stumble across a top striker. They're very difficult to find for a reasonable price and Lukaku is, or could be, at least, in that bracket.

Break the bank if necessary.

I also find it disturbing how so many people keep on emphasising his flaws. I mean Papin, Inzaghi, Makaay, Vab Nistelrooy and other topstrikers like them all had flaws in their game, but I think their club and national teams were pretty happy with their goals.
1 goal in 2 matches in the PL at the age of 20 ... Nuff said.
I have to agree with these points. As much as I like the guy and rave about him when he has a good game, there are other games where he just goes missing or looks like he's not bothered. It's games like these when I think that there are other strikers out there who could do an effective job. Strikers who would cost less. He is on loan at the end of the day and should be busting a gut to show how good he is and to prove to Mourinho that he made a mistake in not starting him at Chelsea, instead of going missing in games and talking himself up.
By the time he does fulfill his potential or learn how to trap a ball, he will probably want to move on if we are not CL regulars (and if we even get him in the first place).
"Potential" is a very tricky word. Nobody knows if and when that potential will be fulfilled. Could be next year or only in 5 years time. For all the "boss slotter" comments, he only has 13 league goals. Remy in a poor Newcastle side has the same amount and Rodriguez has 15 league goals.
If he stays, that's good but if he goes, then we'll find a suitable replacement. We aren't a one man team or there to be used just as a stepping stone. I don't think we should allow ourselves to be held to ransom when the time comes.

He has been scoring 1 goal in two matches in a first team throughout his (short) career. Also at Anderlecht. (Not in youth teams where he scored way more.
I was a Lukaku doubter but have recently had a change of heart.

1) Even when he's having a terrible day, he can come out of nowhere and create goals. Look at the Goodison derby. Look at yesterday.

2) He adds an extra dimension to our game. When we're having trouble breaking down teams, he's as good as virtually any striker when playing directly. See Arsenal.

3) As I mentioned earlier in this thread, he constantly requires a CB on him. This opens up loads of space for other players.

4) He's pretty versatile, as demonstrated in the Arsenal game. Give Bobby another season with him and who knows what he'll be able to do.

5) He's only 20. He's going to get better.
...we've virtually played all season with Lukaku as our only available out-and-out Centre Forward. No other real options. Imagine what we could've achieved. I'm delighted with Lukaku, he's done fine for me and it'd be great if we can have him permanently.

He has been scoring 1 goal in two matches in a first team throughout his (short) career. Also at Anderlecht. (Not in youth teams where he scored way more.

Impressive stat mate. He does add a goalscoring threat to our team and I have said previously that he's good, I like him and I want him to stay....but I don't think he's that amazing that we should pin all our hopes on him and blow our entire transfer budget on him if it comes to that. Personally, I think our all round game has been so much better this season that even if we had a slightly "weaker" striker than Lukaku, we would still have gotten goals out of him. That's just my feeling and it's all about opinions but stating that Lukaku will definitely turn into the next Drogba (as some have in the past)and giving a time-frame for that is also guesswork.
I will leave it to Martinez to sort out but I'm not going to stress every time he gets linked to a "big" club especially if it drags on into the WC when agents will be trying to bleed us dry. Let's not set ourselves up for disappointment when some big money team comes in for him and offers double the wages we can afford. I'm just being realistic here-not trying to be negative at all.
Either way, I'm looking forward to an interesting summer:)
...we've virtually played all season with Lukaku as our only available out-and-out Centre Forward. No other real options. Imagine what we could've achieved. I'm delighted with Lukaku, he's done fine for me and it'd be great if we can have him permanently.
If we'd had Kone when Lukaku was injured we'd be in fourth easy.
I have every faith that Berto will make the right call with Lukaku. He works with the beast day in day out and knows his mentality,strengths & weaknesses and I guarantee you he knows to the penny what he is worth to us and not a penny more. His scouting of strikers has probably been relentless since the Kone injury and he will not disappoint .In Martinez we trust...............

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