Confirmed Signing Youssef Chermiti

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Our deals are done in the same timeframe as every other teams, we don’t take forever , if you believe the experts on here, dunno why Fab is so knackered and fed up of this deal?

We should all be grateful for the fine work the EFC transfer team is doing.
That Harry Kane deal was done in seconds.

Lavia moved from Saints within minutes and Caicedo was all wrapped up in 24hours.
Awaiting Dyche to throw a wet blanket over this signing by calling him "one for the future", and saying things such as "we dont' know a whole lot about him", "he's got plenty of things we need to iron out of him", and "there's potential there for him to be a good player", before categorically ruling him out of contention for the month of August.
Ah but is he FIT ,FIT ?

Awaiting Dyche to throw a wet blanket over this signing by calling him "one for the future", and saying things such as "we dont' know a whole lot about him", "he's got plenty of things we need to iron out of him", and "there's potential there for him to be a good player", before categorically ruling him out of contention for the month of August.
“He’s not up to speed yet” - August 2024.

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