Graeme Sharp

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The ignorant assumptions in here are laughable, as are the “should resign on principle” shouts. Who knows why he is still there? Who knows what challenging meetings he is having with the rest of the board? If we has a fan on the board, as some wish, wouldn’t you be disappointed if they resigned instead of fighting our corner? Everyone needs to get a grip. That guy is a hero in my eyes, and should be trusted with trying to do the right thing behind the scenes.
Well nobody would be happier than me if that transpired to be the case but he’s not doing an amazing job of getting them to change course so far , fingers crossed though .

Graham Sharp will always be on of my heroes. A few months as a board member does not make him responsible for our current mess.

I refuse to join a pile on onto one of our greatest players who was a massive part of our last title success.

LEAVE HIM ALONE, you are not fit to lace his boots.

He’s watching his club crash and burn without raising one eyebrow to the situation , he belittled previous fan groups to get Kenwright out as “ one man and his dog” , if your on the board and this is happening to your club and your doing nothing (not even resigning to highlight our plight) your complicit in the destruction of EFC

You know he’s a non-executive director don’t you. There is no “payday”, if he disagrees with what’s going on he could say so and it wouldn’t cost him anything.
It’s the nightmare scenario when bolasie is tweeting support and the 80’s legends don’t seem to be saying much . Im Assuming Glenn keeley , Rondon and tony Thomas will be tweeting support for the campaign soon .

They can all get on with it from now on. It’s the same narrative time and again . Asking people to do what they do already, support the team. It doesn’t address the problems, fix and improve the culture. It’s just hollow words and I’m tired of it now.

Never think I’ve seen so few so determined to keep people in a business that fails in its competitiveness and competition time and again.

Self indulgent FC. Put that on a flag .
I honestly cannot believe I have to defend Graham Sharp on an Everton website. He bleeds blue.

He doesn’t have anything to prove to any of us. I’m absolutely disgusted that he is being questioned in this way.

Believe me, when we have chased him away and written off his legacy, another nail goes in the coffin of our club.

See, AGAIN, playing on the emotion , playing on the heartstrings .

“He bleeds blue”

So what? He acts a condescending tosspot or is arrogant, people are going to call it out whoever it is.

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