We're boss...

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If we were an aftershave we'd be Hugo BOSS

If we were a former wwf wrestler we'd be the big BOSS man

If we were a US state we'd be BOSS-ton(sort of)

If were a type of music we'd be BOSS-anova

...You get my point - *tags someone else in to continue the theme*
Hilariously Nik was spot on.


Trying to figure out what's worse...the mould on the wall or her face.
If we were an aftershave we'd be Hugo BOSS

If we were a former wwf wrestler we'd be the big BOSS man

If we were a US state we'd be BOSS-ton(sort of)

If were a type of music we'd be BOSS-anova

...You get my point - *tags someone else in to continue the theme*

This had been done before.


Blame it on the bossa nova. We're boss.

It all began with just one little dance, but soon it end up one big romance. I love you Everton.

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