Those whom the Gods wish to destroy.....

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...they first make mad.

And by 'eck there is a madness about EFC these days that I have never witnessed in more than half a century of supporting the Blues.

Be very afraid :Blink:
Rest easy my friend, before the transfer window closes we'll have our own fab four
You're right K since Mosh took the helm there has been a palpable rise in the madness stakes at our club.
Silly money paid in transfers, controversial transfer saga's, high manager turnover, new ground (possibly) and even Voodoo apparently. I'm not sure we are facing destruction by the gods just yet, more like the World turnd upside down.
...they first make mad.

And by 'eck there is a madness about EFC these days that I have never witnessed in more than half a century of supporting the Blues.

Be very afraid :Blink:
Who has been sticking pins in your voodoo doll Khalekan?


Never mind Lukaku believing or not believing in voodoo, think the whole club has been in contact with a voodoo priest, never seen a more batcrap crazy season in 20+ years supporting us

I can double your time served with lots to spare.....and I feel exactly the same way as you about this season :hayee:
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