Silly Season January 2014

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I'm sure the twitter story's rubbish, but if Rodwell was fully fit I'd be happy for us to bring him back (for a fraction of what we sold him for obviously)

Me too, be made up tbh, but for literally 4m or so, no more.

Rodwell would be perfect for our current team. Risk of injury, no guarantee he can get on the pitch most weeks like Gibson and can slot straight into the physio room.

I am joking of course. Always thought of Jack as a fantastic prospect that was held back through poor management and then when his injuries started to kick in. Like Vaughan I would love to see him fulfil his early potential one day because he is one of ours but the risk is too great to bring him back to the club sadly.
Rodwell ?

Are people taking the piss or do they actually want him ?

He's sound la. Remember his goal v United? Just get him right, I don't think he's ruined although the past two years might have stunted his growth, so to speak. For a very, very low fee and smallish wages he's be alright, worth a pop.
I always quite liked Rodwell. I was pleased to get 12 million for him, though. If he can stay fit he has the potential to become a good box-box midfielder, or possibly a Martinez-style centre half.

However, he'd probably be available for about 6 million, so it's a no from me.

He's sound la. Remember his goal v United? Just get him right, I don't think he's ruined although the past two years might have stunted his growth, so to speak. For a very, very low fee and smallish wages he's be alright, worth a pop.

He's not sound, he's ruined. He has to use a special pillow to stop his hamstrings exploding and he can't drive big cars for the same reason.
Actually might he going a bit mad, nothing is happening and I'm still checking every 5 mins, tomorrow will be worse! Can't wait for it to be over tbh!

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