2023/24 Sean Dyche

Not only has he got us to 48 points but we started the season with no attacking players and got robbed in those opening fixtures. With either DCL or McNeil available in those opening matches at home, we could easily have been on 57-58 points.

Amazing how quiet those who called him a neanderthal and wanted him gone during the winless run are now.

But for an awful penalty we’d have had a cup semi final as well.
I think that’s more to do with how poor the other 3 were

….never mind, Chris :celebrate:


Just for the record I won't be licking Sean Dyche's R'sss. We've been terrible for most of the season.

He gets some plaudits I think he's turned things around of late. But he's no saviour. He's no messiah. He's one above Sam Allardyce. Can't be doing
with these blowing smoke up his R'ss
Any chance of an English translation?
"Mummmm, I have been calling Dyche rubbish all season, arguing and laughing at people who disagreed with me. Now, I know I'm wrong, they know I'm wrong, and Dyche has even broken a record to prove me even more wrong. But Kenwright mum, worrabout Kenwright? I'm gonna use the middle finger emoji again mum, I am, I mean it..."

Or something like that...

48 points on the board with these players is an excellent return and shows the brilliant job Dyche has done under incredibly difficult circumstances, he deserves all the credit he gets.

I’ll never be the biggest fan of his style of football, and his subs and tactics are maddening at times, but I can recognise the excellent job he’s done for us.
And thats the point isnt it really, we dont have to like his style, but we should all be giving him credit for a job well done this season!
