2023/24 Sean Dyche

I reckon he makes a boss cup of tea actually... just looks the type.
Not having that. It will come out of the teapot the colour of treacle, he'll add literally a drop of milk, and several spoons of sugar. Anything lighter coloured will see the tea maker getting the Patterson treatment,
Why hadn’t you been on here Since February? And we’re now nearly in May

I will tell you why, because you dyche fans boys have been in hiding, at least I’m on here no mater what’s happening on the pitch. And things did go pear shaped we didn’t win a game in nearly 4 months. After the Chelsea debacle, the majority of fans on here, on social media, podcasts, where all saying let’s just get safe and get him gone in the summer. You wouldn’t have seen any of that though, because you would have still been in your bunker.

And now you and all the others have crawled out your little holes to tell us all how amazing he is and how lucky we’re to have. All this it’s not the 80’s , you obviously have the same mentality as a certain owner/ chairman who has nearly destroyed this club, luckily we also have fans who could what he was doing.

It’s ok to say dyche has done a good job, but you want something different.
Lot of aggression here! It's only a game of opinions after all, no need for that! I tend to avoid this place like the plague after losses, as the negativity doesn't really help improve my mood or do anything to enhance my life at all. That being said, I guess you can call me a dyche fanboy if you like, I just think a manager getting a team to where they are despite all the noise, all the stuff going on in the background, and to have us playing this well, I think that's worthy of commendation and worthy of continuation. Does anyone really care what style we play if we are winning games? Let Brighton and Brentford worry about style, that's two teams with much better squads we are surpassing with our current manager. Let's start winning again, let's be smart, pragmatic, and let's build an Everton that isn't the whipping boy of the league.
Seeing Brighton losing again and it's a deserved lead for Bmouth, adding to 1 win in 9. Bournemouth has 29% possession, just to say and again more touches in the box, which is way more important.

Just a reminder, Brighton has not only collected the same amount of points since the start, but also since Burnley away, despite our winning-less run. Would people really have acted differently if we had 2 wins in this time for 6 draws? It was underachieving 100%, probably no one denies.

I know they have 1 game in hand against Villa, but a way harder fixture list (Chelsea, United and Newcastle).

Means that the ugly Dycheball is as effective as the mostly better to watch de Zerbiball that a lot enthuse for?
Brighton next season will be the most stylish team to be relegated since Leeds 22/23.
Brighton playing a bunch of kids today tbf. They have also sold most of their best players. They do over play though, I think the style Iraola plays is better.
Yeah they lost substance which resulted in an expected drop, but I think like with Dyche bigotry sometimes stands in the way. Probably de Zerbi's style overwhelms the players at the moment, a more pragmatic approach would suit them better.

I don't wonder about Iraola, I've known him for 25 years approximately, as we played against each other in youth and have mutual friends, we are in loose contact and I always followed him. He shows exactly, what he showed in Spain as a manager, in combination with a board with a clear plan and improved squad (that finished above us last season) I don't wonder at all.

Long ball is also big key element in Iraola's system, just looking at numbers, they are not much different to Dycheball, 500 more passes, 2% more possession, 1% fewer long balls, 2% more passing accuracy etc, more 15-30 yards, but fewer 5-15 yards passes. But then on pitch it looks different, as Iraola's teams stand a bit higher.

But there is one element in the game it's fast pacy counter attacks, and we need to get players like Semenyo that can work hard, but are also fast and technically gifted. Their first goal against us was exemplary. Semenyo won the ball in our half and then sprinted 40 yards, brought in an accurate cross. I think this is a way we can improve next season in possession, based what we already have.

No way 777 will sack Dyche, if 777 ever materialises. If the clowns do manage to scramble enough money together to pay off Moshiri, i expect not much will change. From what i read 777 have less money than Moshiri.
Come on mate spill the beans and we can make a nice few quid. And you take over from theEsk as GOT number 1 ITK
Long ball is also big key element in Iraola's system, just looking at numbers, they are not much different to Dycheball, 500 more passes, 2% more possession, 1% fewer long balls, 2% more passing accuracy etc, more 15-30 yards, but fewer 5-15 yards passes. But then on pitch it looks different, as Iraola's teams stand a bit higher.
There’s nothing wrong with any team playing long ball imo. Its a quick way of transitioning play; it’s the isolation and lack of support I despise with how we implement it
There’s nothing wrong with any team playing long ball imo. Its a quick way of transitioning play; it’s the isolation and lack of support I despise with how we implement it
That's the difference between both teams, I think it's even really suited to us, to play for those 2nd balls with someone like DCL in the air that can lay it off and wins many of air balls. Not every ball should be played like this of course.

But playing with Donkey and 2 wings that are either too far behind, technically weak or having the pace of a time lapse makes it hard.. In 9/10 occasions one of these reasons hinders to use it effectively.

Bournemouth also uses diagonal long balls from Neto, the CB or CDM position on to starting wings, they have some players with proper control that can outpace defense. This I don't see feasible with the current players no matter the set up.
That's the difference between both teams, I think it's even really suited to us, to play for those 2nd balls with someone like DCL in the air that can lay it off and wins many of air balls. Not every ball should be played like this of course.

But playing with Donkey and 2 wings that are either too far behind, technically weak or having the pace of a time lapse makes it hard.. In 9/10 occasions one of these reasons hinders to use it effectively.

Bournemouth also uses diagonal long balls from Neto, the CB or CDM position on to starting wings, they have some players with proper control that can outpace defense. This I don't see feasible with the current players no matter the set up.

I did enjoy his set up against Villa in the cup and Burnley away, and thought I saw signs of something. The team was pushed further forward and we had more men around the ball.

I done a poll to see where we all stand on this

…4th best defence in the league. End of argument.
Because we play such a negative system, that's why we are one of the lowest scorers in the division, wingers and full backs are prioritised to defend rather than play on the front foot. I can see why and it's worked for him, but I despair when I see people saying that we just need to improve the quality in attack and we'll be fine, the defence is great. Any attacking players be they wide midfielders or full backs will be expected to, first and foremost, defend. If we begin to play more attacking football and give the wide players licence to constantly get forward, we will soon see why we concede so few. It's called blanket defence.

I did enjoy his set up against Villa in the cup and Burnley away, and thought I saw signs of something. The team was pushed further forward and we had more men around the ball.
I could be wrong, but we played 3 at the back these games?

You asked what can we do to make us more effective under Dyche, I most probably see that in the direct counter attacking. I would say adding pace on the wing and get McNeil off there, if play more into the center will improve the effectiveness of our game on the ball. Doesn't necessarily lead to better football, but I am sure to a again bit better scoring output, maybe 45. We played better under Carlo, but also there the defense was rather our showpiece, with 44 and 47 goals scored all season, this season we will be around 40 I think.

I say we need to target these players that work hard, but also offer the pace like Semenyo is a very good example. Invest 15-20m into 2 decent wingers, will be the majority of budget, I see us going maximum 50-60% of the incoming this summer.

We are limited in possession, would be with or without Dyche, maybe a bit better, you saw that against Forest in the first half where they gave so much space and were passive, barely pressed us or were stuck on feet, but we didn't punish them for that.

With the current players we need to make a set up, to use strengths, like defense, set pieces, high ball claims, high intensity, hard working, but add players to make us better in open play. I know we have been wasteful (probably 5-7 goals less than we should be) as well, but it's our biggest problem and most urgent to fix.
Because we play such a negative system, that's why we are one of the lowest scorers in the division, wingers and full backs are prioritised to defend rather than play on the front foot. I can see why and it's worked for him, but I despair when I see people saying that we just need to improve the quality in attack and we'll be fine, the defence is great. Any attacking players be they wide midfielders or full backs will be expected to, first and foremost, defend. If we begin to play more attacking football and give the wide players licence to constantly get forward, we will soon see why we concede so few. It's called blanket defence.

….nah, it’s not one or the other. Top wide players work both ends of the pitch be they full backs or wingers. Beckham and Giggs started that trait. The fact Harrison can’t go past his full-back is not because he’s restricted, it’s because he lacks that physicality and quality.

It’s an absolute nonsense to think that Dyche wouldn’t be delighted with access to greater attacking quality. He can only pick who he has available to him.
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….nah, it’s not one or the other. Top wide players work both ends of the pitch be they full backs or wingers. Beckham and Giggs started that trait. The fact Harrison can’t go past his full-back is not because he’s restricted, it’s because he lacks that physicality and quality.
Disagree,if he ever gives his players licence to prioritise attack over defence, we will soon see the defence was packed rather than well drilled, in my opinion, if we start playing more attacking football, the defence will not be half as solid. There are always plenty of bodies behind the ball when we lose possession in the current system, that's not a criticism. It's just an observation, it is a system which has worked very well for Dyche and will continue to do so, provided the ambition is safety rather than building.

If the new owners come in with the ambition to just reach Bramley Moore as a premier league team, then Dyche is the man for the job. If, however, they want to start laying the foundations for a rebuild,Dyche is not the man they want. I raise my hat to him he's kept us up and I really didn't think he could at the time of the first deduction, but. Lower mid table is the top ceiling for his tactics. It really is a difficult watch at times as well.
