2023/24 Sean Dyche

He should say he's not doing well enough, that he is responsible for getting results, and why he believes he can do it

Saying he'd have been happy with a point is totally ridiculous. What sort of message does that send to the team ?

Any wonder we don't win when the manager is openly saying he'd have been happy enough with 1 each

Maybe if he stopped trying to go for draws we might win a game or 2. I find his mentality pretty embarrassing for top level sport. Don't think losing is taken seriously enough.
I forgave him the Luton Town loss, as we won other games that like West Ham away. Would accept a draw, if we won some games of the last 12, but not when we play badly and have bad results.
The game at this level has moved past him.

Spot on.

I gave Benitez a chance because he's been a good manager. But even though the results with Benitez hadn't been as bad as Dyche is now, I was a bit surprised and alarmed how Benitez was he was a bit of a dinosaur. Dyche has clearly shown he's as much a dinosaur. It's been a terrible watch this "football" under Dyche.

He's shown he's completely out of touch and out of his depth. Despite all the things he's had to deal with at the club the bottom line is what's on the pitch and this is atrocious.

He’s not going anywhere. Can’t afford to boot him.

For me he has to go to three centre backs…he has to try something and our widemen are offering sod all anyway.

I bloody hate Michael Keane but I think I’d bring him in. God knows who plays midfield and up top.

Coleman Keane tarkowski Branthwaite myko
Garner Onana doucoure McNeill

Same thing week after week.
Even if we accept the squad is crap , we're is the passion ?
Looks to me the players are going through the motions with Dyche
Think he has lost that dressing room myself. Said it weeks ago
We havnt had one player who is bucking the trend of getting worse as the weeks go on.
Don't get a result agaist Burnley which isn't a given
he deffo has to go.
With the form we are in and further pionts deduction on the way we would have nothing left to lose.
We don't look capable of even grinding out results never mind winning any games.
He hasn't got the fans behind him so expect ot to go very toxic from now on.
Reminds me of his last few months with Burnley
Ive tried to stay big picture as far as i can but and its a big but. He has equalled mike walkers record and walker is the worst manager ive seen at Everton. Hes had those players 3 weeks and nothings changed. Half that team were going through the motions before the break and nothings changed. They did the same today. They dont look motivated at all. Its not all down to dyche by any means but its a results game. His record speaks for itself but i also look at the players and it just doesnt seem to hurt them this run of results. Whats it going to take for the players as a team to say "enoughs enough. Ive had enough of getting beat. Im not coming off this pitch getting beat again." That should be the minimum from a player.Thats the players responsibility but its also the managers. Today looked to me like a group of players sent out to do the same things and play the same way they have for the previous 12 winless games. And the players dont believe in it.
