Ronald Koeman

Ronald Koeman...good choice for us?

  • yes, he'll get us top 6 and stability

  • no, it's uninspiring even if top 6 is back on

  • josé on toast

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I got banned for calling a Southampton fan a word I wont repeat unless I'm unfairly banned again. Seems like its a free for all now. Bad mods. Expect a full apology.

Southamptons new badge. heads falling off everywhere

For my generation, this is pretty much "business as usual". Or a return to it.

The message all but a hand full of chairmen dreaded was "Mr Chairman, I have Everton on the phone"

I just missed it alas. Mine has been just under 30 years of mostly horror of varying degrees and forms. Culminating in frustration, massive underachievement and (worst of all) total apathy. No more. These are ridiculously heady days.
Hes home Ronald Koeman,
He's always been a blue.
Couldn't wait to leave Southampton
Moshiris making us brand new.

To sweet home Alabama, that's the best I could do, hopefully someone more creative will do something better ha.
Greetings Evertonians.

Never expected to be signing up here, because I never expected this signing to be going through. Forget the big club argument. Both clubs are attractive for different reasons. Everton may not be in European competition this year, but they do have the advantage of being situated in a city where most people are into their football, and most of those support the city teams.

In his position, it'd be the variables I'd be concerned about. He's leaving a well run club that has improved year on year to join a club learning to cope with new money, the specifics of this move perhaps being the shape of things to come. Twinkles have just been registered in the eyes of every agent on the continent. They'll probably cum if some claims our local BBC station reporter has made are true.

Koeman initially dismissed the job outright. His agent concurred, telling him it was a bad move. Ron evidently changed his mind, fired the agent and hired a new one to pursue. Now I know that just like us, you can be delusional enough to sing "we're the greatest team" and mean it.

Pretend to be a neutral for a bit and it doesn't make much sense. He had stability, authority, European Football and crucially, one year left on his contract. Pundits have been suggesting him for so many moves that I'd be surprised if they weren't sending job applications into the likes of Arsenal and Barca on his behalf. Another successful season on the South Coast would have landed him an actual big job. The pundits weren't putting him in Goodison. I'm not knocking you. Everton are a fine club that i have a lot of respect for, partly because of the bond between club, players and fans, but also out of necessity. You are our bogey team.

I've got zero respect for what appears to have gone on here. Adorn me a Bacofoil beret if you must, but I suspect he may have got wind of the fabulous riches on offer through unconventional channels, setting him into Alan Sugar mode and firing any meddling agent keeping his from his millions. I accept that's a cynical view. He may have visited a Sayers on a previous trip to Liverpool and have a jonesing for a cheese and onion jumbo that can't be sated in any other city. Perhaps it's because Everton have so "s"'s in their name, avoiding any potential pronunciation problemsh (Shoushampton was never easy). Maybe he genuinely prefers the proposition on offer at Everton. A big transfer budget implies less reliance on youth, something he was not happy to rely on at St. Marys.

We're more upset that he turned out to be a deceitful scroundrel, tbh, information you have up front. You have hired yourself an excellent manager. He confounded expectations with a newly assembled team after we'd been cleaned out once again. You can't attribute all the credit to him. We've always scouted well and we benefited from a Liverpool regime that were hiring players on the basis of whether they'd laugh Brendan Rodgers out of town. Shame so few players go across Stanley Park, really. You'd have been quids in during the Brendan era :) Back to Ron's qualities, he genuinely does have a plan B, as he demonstrated when he turned around a losing run into this season's extremely strong finish.

He'll do wonders for you. He's definitely the real deal, living legend as a player and will deliver better times to Goodison. The downside to that is he will do the offs. We always knew he'd go, but the expectation was that he'd be taking control of a stable Champions League club. He's taken a position at a newly moneyed club, becoming the 6th highest paid manager on the planet, for finishing 6th in the Premier League.
The biggest variable is the cash on offer.

Ronald Koeman has upset me precisely twice. First, when he fired England out of the '94 World Cup and last, pursuing this contract as vigorously as he appeared to. On both occasions, he shouldn't have even been involved in the action. The ref was to blame for him still being on the pitch in '94. He engineered this move himself behind the club's back. If contract negotiations with EFC had broken down, he had no way back to Southampton after all of that.

Welcome to your new era, Evertonians. In the event of crushing expectation and a few bad results leading to the dismissal of your new manager, a replacement manager will be provided*

* although he'll probs want 10m a year to sort the mess out.

Saints fan, obvs. You can decide if I've come in peace. Don't become Lady Muck, Evertonians. It really doesn't suit you.

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