New Shirt Sponsor

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Everton getting paid the same way?
There are worse things happening in football, but it's pretty disgraceful that a club like Everton that so prides itself on its work within the community has once again had to get in bed with a gambling company because they are so unattractive to other investors due to mismanagement over a number of seasons now.
JJK after signing his 3 year contract then legging after wingers around Goodison park whilst wearing the royal blue jersey with the sponsor on it!

You couldn't get more amateurish if we tried.

With Cazoo we had the 7th highest shirt sponsor in the league. £10mill.

Next above us is the RS with £32million.

Sponsorship is all about money not ethics

Oh I agree.

Don't think we will see the levels of money that the top clubs get so we need to take what we can.

The "top 6" are plastered everywhere.
Another gambling sponsor?

Far cough.

Guess the Usmanov money really.has dried up so principles out the window then.

Funny how nobody has ale companies sponsor them anymore but gambling is fine.

I mean to be fair - if we were really principled we wouldn't have accepted Usmanov money in the first place. Russian oligarch money isn't exactly morally or ethically pure.

All that's happened is we've went from dirty money that's been through the PR machine enough times to be palatable to dirty made up money that's from a gross betting site.

Money is still dirty either way.
Can we actually pay our players in cryptocurrency too?
Get some toffee coin which will increase in value the more successful we are - directly incentivising players to actually give a toss.
Win the league and see a nice wee spike in profit or flirt with relegation and go bankrupt.

Still haven’t heard a company name that’s acceptable to go on our shirt that doesn’t impact the environment, exploit the poor or isn’t backed by a dodgy character that can afford to sponsor a PL team.
Ideas welcome

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