Memory Lane - your first Everton game.

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Long time lurker, first post. My first game, April 1963. Everton 1 Spurs 0, Alex Young header. The attendance was 67,000 and i was absolutely blown away by the stadium, the green grass, the blue colour and of course the noise when we scored. I was 14 years old.The result took us to the top of the league and of course we went on to be champions for my second game, 4 - 1 against Fulham. I became a season ticket holder later but in 1979 moved to Canada.
I was exited to go to Goodison in August 2016 with my son for his first game, how appropriate that it was again Spurs. As you all know 1-1, shame we couldn't get a win.
He is of course now a blue.
March 1968, we beat Newcastle 1-0. I was 7 so my Dad made me leave the game early to avoid the crush. I missed the winner from Kendall, but, heard the roar as we walked to the car. Been hooked ever since.
Everton v Arsenal. I think it was 1976.

It was 0-0 but I thought it was amazing.

Alan Ball was playing for Arsenal and I remember him getting a massive cheer when his name was read out.

I also had a surprise dedication for me from my Dad read out ( im pretty sure it was by Billy Butler) for being at my first game.Kisses For Me by Brotherhood of Man!!
0-0 home to WBA, September ‘83. Sat in the Main Stand in awe at the amazing white seats in the Bullens that spelt out Everton. Could see them the whole game as the attendance was only around 15,000.

Dark days indeed but the good times were just around the corner.

I reckon I have seen Everton at Ashton Gate, (Bristol City for the Mericans) more times than at Goodison

If not, its a score draw at best. Sake. Proper poor fan me.
Mine was a 0 0 Arsenal one, in rain and hail, so could have been the same one. Dont remember anything about the match, cos every time anything happened, everyone stood up. Pretty sure we were on seats behind a goal, and it seemed to be miles up.

But as I struggle to remember to buy a light bulb these days, that ^^^^^ could be eye wash. Could I have been in a seat behind a goal in 1973?
I remember Gordon West was still in goal, but that's about it, if that helps jog the memory. How old were you?
Everton 1-1 Sunderland in the Worthington Cup. Wonderkid Michael Bridges scored for them and John Collins equlised for us. We lost on pens, Bakayoko was a particular embarrassment with his attempt.
My only game so far at Goodison. Niall Quinn seemed to be allowed to foul and moan as much as he liked, whenever I see him on TV I am overcome with an irrational loathing. It was touch and go to make it back to the coach, taxi driver was game though, thought we were going to take off! First game was 94 at Fratton Park,went with my Granddad bless him. I distinctly remember celebrating enthusiastically when we went one up. The guy next to us says, "do you support Everton?"
Went out after drawing one all, mickey mouse cup anyway!

Everton 2:0 Nottingham Forest, back in March 1963, we won the league that year, what a team that was. In my opinion, not quite as good as the team in the late 60s that won the 69/70 championship, but, nonetheless a very good team.
Everton 3 Ipswich 3 back in 1976 I think. My Dad took the day off work sick to use some free tickets an Everton lottery agent had given him.
I can still remember the excitement of watching my heroes for that very first time. One visit to Goodison and I was hooked.
Everton that.
October 1977, Everton v Newcastle. Ended 4-4. Remember Bob Latchford scored 2 and Mick Lyons got one but can't remember who got the other goal.

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