2019/20 Leighton Baines.

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A wonderful servant, a wonderful human. I only wish we could have won something for him.

The biggest compliment I can pay him is that he is easily the greatest left back of the premier league era. Which is some achievement when you consider the likes of Irwin, Cole & Evra.

Modern day great. Give us another year Leighton..
No Andrew Robertson?
Shame on you.:blush:
That truly is a work of genius lol

Honestly may shed tears if this is it for Leighton. Grew up as a kid inspired by his work. I was always on the practice pitch trying to mimic those deadly free-kicks, pin-point crosses, movement without the ball. He was an inspiration to many of my generation. Most of all, he’s one of us. If this is it Bainsey, we love you and thank you for the wonderful years <3
Baines gave us some very good performances and more than the odd cracker of a free kick.
Sentiment should be set aside, if he's not signing this one year extension then he should gracefully leave the club.
He's no longer got the legs to push Digne for a starting role and we should be looking to bring in younger, hungrier players to give Digne competition - an aging Baines doesn't do that.
Thanks for you efforts Leighton, time for both parties to move on.
Kind of think that the club already prepares for this eventuality with signing that young left back. We’ve also got Delph and potentially Gibson to cover as third choice. Feels like the club are in the position to say you can stay for a year but if not it’s no issue for us.

Aside from his onfield performance he's just seems a dead sound guy.

He reminds you of that kid in school whose not in with the scals, not in with geeks either. Just kinda does his own thing and gets on with everyone.

The kind of kid that plays footy every breaktime but then does the school play on a whim, and even the scallies don't give him grief, but begrudging admiration.

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