John Bailey

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If you said you saw him pissed while out getting the morning paper it would be sad.

He was pissed at an after dinner event, at night, with possibly a free bar. I don't think that is sad.

I’ve also seen Kendal ( RIP ) quite a few times and he managed to stay sober until after the event. These were all free bars too.

To be so drunk, that you can hardly stand up or speak before an event is terribly sad and also incredibly disrespectful to all of the people who paid a lot of money to be there, as well as your ex team mates.

By the way, it wasn’t in a social club, it was in a hotel, with a three course meal and a dress code. So, I’d say that people were entitled to expect the speakers to be able to stand up.
….mentioned him earlier on the old pics thread when i was recalling playing alongside him in Liverpool Boys U15 trials. He stuck in my mind because I distinctly remember crossing a ball from the right, it kicked up when it hit the ground and John headed it into the net. It was all very serious but he went wild in his celebration, I don’t think I’ve ever seen a kid so enthusiastic about playing.

We got the 46 bus home and all he kept asking was, ‘do you think we’ll get in’. Sadly he didn’t but I remembered him and was chuffed when he made the breakthrough at Blackburn and even more chuffed watching him at Wembley in ‘84. I think He was from Netherfield Rd/Scotty Rd area. A proper character and great company.

After the 0-5 against the rs I was walking down Goodison Road, miserable and heading for town to get the bus for the B&I overnight ferry to Dublin.

Bails appeared out of the then Players' entrance and I asked him to sign my programme.

No problem naturally and then he asked where I'd come from. When I told him his face really fell and he genuinely said how really sorry he was about the result.

I wish him the very best.

‘He was pissed at a dinner’. Im sure none of the no mark civil servants on here have never done that😁. He’s retired and achieved far more than bellends on here. A professional footballer whilst you are tapping away on a computer all day. The millenials😁
Says the Keyboard warrior
‘He was pissed at a dinner’. Im sure none of the no mark civil servants on here have never done that😁. He’s retired and achieved far more than bellends on here. A professional footballer whilst you are tapping away on a computer all day. The millenials😁
Getting fall over drunk and being unable to perform your duties as a paid speaker at a paid event* is different from just drinking too much when attending a dinner as a paying guest.

*I'm guessing that's the case.

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