It's Here Boys!!!!

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I may as well pay to have my opinions ridiculed!
We need to do everything we can today in order to obtain a win. i'm talking about superstitions, the lot. every fellow blue you see nod ya head in appreciation, if ya driving an see a blue walking along then beep ya horn.we need to turn the air in this town blue. pray, bite ya badge cahill style, scream and shout even if ya not goin the game. a win at all costs.
;) yes indeed.

Prayer mats, Rosary beads, lucky socks, lucky undergarments - whatever it takes.
Come on you Blues;)
i'm gonna be wearing the 04/05 shirt with cahill on the back underneath this seasons shirt, it did alright on monday. blue bills, blue socks, blue teeth, blue hair whatever i can find thats blue. me shirts are hanging up on me bedroom door staring at me an i just wish it was kick off now cos wanna put it on. i'm so bloody excited (oh yeah it's blue blood);)

Ive just got up a banging headache and strangely feeling guilty over something ? Nevermind I am sure I will find out later when I meet up with the lads later :oops:

Gonna be getting the train about 12.00 ish . Then around town for abit then onto that shithole they call home . I am apprehensive as I just dont see us scoring but you cannot let that stop you from supporting the team with all your vocal might :lol:

If we win today I will go mental and pity whoever is gonna be sitting next to me :lol:
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