Everton v Man City. 3rd May at 17.30.

Who will win (not who do you want to win)

  • Everton

    Votes: 171 46.6%
  • Man City

    Votes: 144 39.2%
  • Not arsed lad

    Votes: 52 14.2%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .
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Hello Louise, thank you for your kind reply to my initial email.

I wish to state that this is a rebuttal of your official response wrote on behalf of your employer as you didn't address my pertinent points and instead, in my opinion, gave me a generic reply loosely touching on the issues I raised by in no way satisfying my concerns as a paying customer.

I'm fully aware that the commentary is to tell a story but also two important factors are that the commentary is neutral and professional. The commentary for the match in question was neither.

Now I am fully aware that there may be some partisanship shown by any sports fan hearing anyone criticising their team and fellow supporters so if my concerns were noted by just Evertonians then it would lead me to agree with the stance you've taken.

Tellingly there was some criticism of the commentary in question from the other team participating in the game too which you can find here:


Or to involve a neutral opinion on the game - you will find the below from Aston Villa fans.


Still not satisfied? Then see what some Fulham fans have to say here:


The issues with the commentary I complained to your company about was also picked up by some wider scale media outlets online, like here:



And it didn't escape the attention of the local press and Everton's manager Roberto Martinez who felt compelled to react here:


So Louise I hope that's apt support of the complaint I forwarded. I would appreciate it if you could respond similarly to this rebuttal of your response letter to my complaint. If you are unable to do so then perhaps you can direct me to one of your superiors, from which I'd like a reasoned response and not what I consider a gentle palming off, such as the response you offered.

I didn't want acknowledgement - not that I got it either - I wanted an explanation and if possible the measures you have taken to ensure that future commentary meets the standards required for paying customers and retains a sense of integrity as Martin Tyler sadly lacked for the game on 3rd May.

I keenly look forward to a satisfactory response,

Yours sincerely,

Mr Y.E.R Mar

Where are the pictures?

I got the same reply as well, but the email wasn't even formatted properly, addressed to me and nobody was even arsed to write "Louise" on it.

Obviously I didn't send that like. As I didn't complain in the first place.


FFS, make a stand you fence sitter. we have you making a great comeback that you made up and me moaning about a viewing i didn't even view. it's like being a food critic without going to the restaraunt or a film critic based on what other people said or a critic of my ex being crap in bed when she didn't even let me go past 1st base ffs
I got the same reply as well, but the email wasn't even formatted properly, addressed to me and nobody was even arsed to write "Louise" on it.


maybe the person was called hello? i remember i wrote an e-mail once and signed it diolch (welsh for thankyou) and forgot to put my name after it, so the reply started dear diolch.


i'm making sure that louise knows that i know that my reply was measly template, come up with a poor reply and can't even be arsed to generate different ones for different people
Reply sent. I look forward to what I get in return. Borrowed a bit from Chico


Thank you (presumably 'Louise') for the reply. I can see you've taken a great deal of time and effort to construct a lovely generic response regarding my concerns to the commentary in the aforementioned broadcast.

Unfortunately I don't believe in your sincerity to my concerns. Firstly as I state it's just a generic response that has been given to other Evertonians who have complained about the broadcast, therefore showing it's just a copy paste. Secondly you have failed to address the reply to myself, thirdly you have failed to identify yourself as being an actual human being by signing the email, I presume it was from Louise as others who have received the same reply have had it signed by Louise, another reason to show that it's just a copy paste and fourthly you haven't even formatted the reply properly or the email as whole as my initial email isn't even quoted properly.

I agree that the possibility of Everton winning could have given Liverpool a better chance of winning the league but the commentary from Mr Tyler was far from unbiased or partisan, and the isn't just the view of Everton fans. You only have to do a quick search on Google, or Twitter to find many many fans who watched the broadcast are of similar opinion to myself.

Here are a few fan forums and news articles, including a direct response in local media from Roberto Martinez himself regarding the so called 'flat' and 'odd' atmosphere.

Manchester City fans - http://forums.bluemoon-mcfc.co.uk/viewtopic.php?f=1&t=299988&start=140

Fulham fans - http://www.friendsoffulham.com/forum/index.php?topic=39167.0

Aston Villa fans - http://www.heroesandvillains.info/forumv3/index.php?topic=50036.12690

Bleacher Report - http://bleacherreport.com/articles/...rtin-tyler-for-questioning-evertons-integrity

Liverpool Echo - http://www.liverpoolecho.co.uk/spor...ws/roberto-martinez-hits-back-critics-7074922

Huff Post - http://www.huffingtonpost.co.uk/2014/05/03/everton-manchester-city-premier-league_n_5259990.html

Guardian - http://www.theguardian.com/football/2014/may/04/manchester-city-everton-2012-premier-league-title

As I say I'm not one for complaining and I wasn't expecting a completely personal response, but I'm 100% sure a bit of more effort could have gone into this reply to at least show a shred of a empathy to my disappointment of the broadcast and Mr Tyler's numerous comments during the match.


Aron Moore
Hi lads, got this reply. am i right in saying that it's a crap answer?

what should my reply be? I'm thinking along the lines of

"To be honest lousie, i never watched the SKY coverage for this game, watched a jarg american stream instead, NEA"

I am confused, if you didn't watch sky or whoever it was you were writing to, why complain to them at all.
I'm probably being very stupid here, but the season finished for us last weekend and footy + beer withdrawl has me taking on a few lagers and criticising the Europa final. Travesty!

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