donovan = beckham

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Player Valuation: £100k
with all our friends from across the pond joining us since he came to us. gotta be worth trying to sign him, to crack the u.s. + he is a good player
sorry chaps had a few to many ,the point im trying to make is when beckham went to madrid he sold a load of shirts to asia and made the club 115 million. Could donovan do the same and make a bit of cash from the u.s?

Made a sweet run and scored!

I thought the goal was a little lucky against a really bad Sunderland defence, not knocking the lad and he may prove to have more in his locker but on what i have seen so far - not that hes a bad player - i think i would like us to look at some one who could offer something different consistently.
He's a good player and he's been an astute loan signing, it's a shame the deal is so short. It really does worry me how one dimensional we are going to be when he leaves, our midfield is so slow.

I'd still like to see more of him though.
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