Combined board & football scenario

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Stepping Out is part of Bills pension, along with Educating Rita....he has a major share in both...arranged the finance for both shows,took a chance when nobody else was interested.... right little earner they proved to be!

It's all about the money isn't it Steve. No concerns at all that Bill has single handedly destroyed UK theatre as an intellectual pastime and is seeking to destroy England's foremost established football club to earn more.
It's all about the money isn't it Steve. No concerns at all that Bill has single handedly destroyed UK theatre as an intellectual pastime and is seeking to destroy England's foremost established football club to earn more.
You're obviously on a wind up...but then you usually are. The only time I ever spoke to Bill Kenwright was in a theatre....I said 'Will it transfer to London' and he said 'It needs a lot of work first'. That was the sum total of the conversation.It was a musical about the 70s, and it didn't get beyond a few weeks at the Playhouse. Intellectual theatre in the UK is the strongest it has been for decades, and one reason for this is that there are still theatres that can support Opera, good drama, Ballet, and the like. One of the main reasons these theatres are still open is because of Bills relatively el cheapo touring versions of tiop Broadway and West End shows. Not my words, but the words of a senior exec. at One Nation, who run many of the provincial theatres in the UK. Got it? Now...whats your next piece of nonsense?.......Are you trying to say that the Premier League is not 'all about the money?' Good luck explaining that corker.
Until we get a new stadium. No one will buy us, an a new stadium doesn't look likely from a long time
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