British only team

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Both are part of the British Isles.

Lets just leave it there, cos people get really annoyed when faced with the truth.

Yes they are part of the British Isles. But not part of Britain. Note the name the “United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland”. They are separate. You can research it if you want, but don’t get annoyed when you see the truth.
Yes they are part of the British Isles. But not part of Britain. Note the name the “United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland”. They are separate. You can research it if you want, but don’t get angry when you see the truth.

Yeah, so instead of saying that long winded name, people just say Britain, I assume your Irish, so clearly the chip on your shoulder weighs heavy, no problem mate.

Yeah, so instead of saying that long winded name, people just say Britain, I assume your Irish, so clearly the chip on your shoulder weighs heavy, no problem mate.


Yeah people just say Britain, which still doesn’t include Republic of Ireland where Coleman is from. So back to the original point, he isn’t British.
Sadly I’m not Irish.

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