Bill Kenwright

Bill did more for Everton football club than you ever will. Tragic the way people speak about the great man, especially since he just recently passed.


Moshiri didn’t have a go. If he was serious he would’ve volleyed Kenwright on day 1 when he walked through the door. He not only kept him around for seven and a half years but kept waffling on about how crucial his experience was to the running of the club, even when he was practically on his deathbed and incapable of working.

Using his mate’s Monopoly money to play real life Football Manager doesn’t constitute “having a go” to me. Nor is it generous, it’s just absolutely reckless.
He had a go, the spend figure shows he did.

His problem was he trusted the fella that brought him through the door.

Alarm bells went off when he bought his second batch of shares and Bill was STILL allowed to stay on.

Either way, ones gone, the others going.

Hopefully improvement follows.
