The Everton Board Thread (Inc. Bill Kenwright / Blue Union)

Is it time for Change...???

  • Kenwright an the Board out, We need Change.

    Votes: 503 80.0%
  • Im Happy with the way thing are. Kenwright an the Board should stay

    Votes: 126 20.0%

  • Total voters
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I don't understand what the problem with Kenwright is personally?
He has said he will sell. He has done an interview with the Union, and they didn't paint themselves in glory, yet they say don't let the club pull the wool over your eyes.

Isn't that for the fans to decide, plus it's the minority who are trying to rock the boat, hardly the million man march is it?

Not belittling the struggle by any means, I just think the lack of direction and the fumble of a "union" seems ironic, splitting us down the middle by almost suggesting "your either with us or against us" is just wrong,.

Mainly poor business decisions and lies. Let me ask you this question.

Would you buy a car for £2000, do some work on it (say £1000) and then sell it for £5000, for a quick cash injection, only to lease it back over 10 years for a total cost of £30000????

I doubt it very much, well thats one of the poor business decisions that has annoyed some fans, because its what happend with our state of the art training facility

And also i'm telling you that my pride and joy collection of signed football shirts (including EFC 84 ECWC Shirt, Maradona and Pele) is for sale because my wife doesnt want them in the house, and im open to offers for them. Does this mean im actually going to sell them, or am i making a public statement because my wife wants rid. (I'm sorry hun, but they are for sale its just nobody is buying them)

Its poor PR by the club
When stated logically like you did chris i can see your point of view, well delivered in a concise powerful argument. for me that is the crux of the issue, where i back away from the BU is when some of the Unionists tell me because i am not vehemently against Kenwright personally then i am not a "true" fan! i dont think Kenwright is personally to blame for the clubs problems, i believe he is an integral part of them but he is not alone, all decisions must be ratified byt he board, and if your previous post is correct the "true" owners have to take a lions share of the blame as well.
I do want change in the boardroom but not JUST Kenwrong
Firstly i believe in the right to protest but i have a question

How many of those here who protest then go into the game? How many still buy tickets or have bought their season ticket? How many still buy merchandise or concessions in the ground?

The reason i ask is the board don't give a sh*t as they are still making money from people. Our average attendance is 30,000 or more.

I have found most western cultures like GB, Ireland, the us and northern europe do not know how to protest properly. They have the best intentions but they carry on once they vent on the streets for the 30 mins or so.

Lokk at Greece. Now i don't agree with that particular protest on the basis of why they are doing it but they stopped doing anything. They stopped buying things they stopped going to work. They hit the government and the companies where it hurt by crippling the cities.

Most modern protests seem to be a forum for just venting.

I have nothing against the BU or people protesting i just think it can be silly if those protesting then pay to go into the ground to watch the game.

I brought this up before and people told me it was because they support the team. Now thats fair enough but thats not hurting the board and doing the nessecary damage as they still gain for your attendance.
When stated logically like you did chris i can see your point of view, well delivered in a concise powerful argument. for me that is the crux of the issue, where i back away from the BU is when some of the Unionists tell me because i am not vehemently against Kenwright personally then i am not a "true" fan! i dont think Kenwright is personally to blame for the clubs problems, i believe he is an integral part of them but he is not alone, all decisions must be ratified byt he board, and if your previous post is correct the "true" owners have to take a lions share of the blame as well.
I do want change in the boardroom but not JUST Kenwrong

I totally understand, and i said in my previous post that there will be members of the BU who don't understand why they are marching themselves. They just see City spending millions and get the attitude 'why not us' and just want a sugar daddy. Its not the case with me, and im sure many other people, its the lies and failure to answer basic questions which has pushed me over the edge with this board (not BK in particular).

I don't agree with people calling other people non-fans if they don't support a case, however i will try and simplify the argument to give people a better understanding of the issues i feel are ruining are club.

And like you mate, I don't believe its all Kenrwrights fault, infact i was banned from BlueKipper for having an argument with some idiot who just decided to post pictures of new football grounds and saying 'look bill', i also had quite a heated debate with Dave Fitz over a claim he made that the club we're close to being in administartion, i said he was out of order for using scare tactics to force an issue.

The underlying problem at Everton, in terms of basic infrastructure, goes back to Sir John Moores, the club we're kings of England and could have easily set up a trusted business model to grow the club, however times where different then and football was a millionaires game, not a business and nobody had the forsight to future plan.

Like i said before, my gripe is about the constant failure to try and set in stone any forward thinking to drive the club forward, its fire fighting exercise every day and i always imagine a pile of unopened bills in Robert Elstones office, like a family on the poverty line who are scared to see how much they owe. And the best we get is Changy, an Everton Guitar and a fire sale of all our assets to improve income.
Firstly i believe in the right to protest but i have a question

How many of those here who protest then go into the game? How many still buy tickets or have bought their season ticket? How many still buy merchandise or concessions in the ground?

The reason i ask is the board don't give a sh*t as they are still making money from people. Our average attendance is 30,000 or more

I have a season ticket, and i have protested, i go away games. I don't buy merchandise (ive never done), but I know the board don't make a penny from the club, that is totally irrelevant, all matchday sales and merchandise income pays for debts put against the club, no baord member gets paid anything from Everton and I hate they way people use that as an excuse not to go the game.

I'm not giving BK my money, guess what you don't, you keep OUR club affloat and surviving. Its a poor excuse for anyone to use

What absolute drivel to be fair,

They are marching, what are they marching for - they have no idea - to stop the wool being pulled over their eyes - soundbite, soundbite, soundbite.

According to them they are marching for investment and progress, dont worry lads i wont be relying on you here.

We will be waiting for their investment plan i would think or i could be seriously underestimating the power of marching here, lol.

Gobbles out.

just for you, what were the jarrow marchers thinking? usually you make a sound argument, but this was a wrong choice.
The BU have never said they have an investment plan and neither have they said they have people in place to buy the club, as in my previous post you are one of the majority who will call people idiots who march without understanding why they are marching and for what reason.

People are unhappy with the current board, there are more un-answered questions that have been swept under the carpet, the media perception of Everton is that they are a well run club with a true fan at the helm, nobody has ever questioned that in the media or away from GP.

The BU are bringing to the attention that quite a few fans are unhappy about how our club is being run and why, with such a large fan base and football brining in more money than as ever been seen, are we still borrowing, why is there no business model in place and why are the 'owners' registered in the British Virgin Islands when it is impossible to find out who actually controls our club.

BK maybe chairman, doesnt means he owns the club; check the companies act and definitions of a shadow director

Thats not entirely true, part of their terms of reference are that they wish to work with the board and CEO and assist in finding investment. The point in the terms of reference comes immediately after they say they want to oust the current board. Now i know what your thinking, maybe not the greatest enticement for the board to allow them to assist, but then anything goes when you want change and are a real Evertonian apparently. Incidently they also say they want to sort the stadium issue etc - ill wait on that one as well, but then maybe im underestimateing the power of marching.

Come on now, "sweeping things under the carpet" is the same jargon as pulling the wool over our eyes, slightley more lines the previous post quoted by STL but its dirval and pointless, while as point of debate without focuss. Please dont take the moral high road about a lack of transparncey or communication as you openly admit your sole purpose is to oust the board, hardly an enticement is it - sugar coating when it suits. Secondly the olive branch of communication and transparncey that was offered by the club you fecked up, through misreprensenting the transcript and secondly secretly tapeing the meeting - whyu the hell would the club engage with the BU after that. The BU has some neck complaining about the club not wanting to work in partnership - you wouldnt blame them, yet complain about a lack of honesty.

Thirdly and you are right in the sense that this is about a few fans, your certainly not in the majority and as such dont have a mandate. Thats largely because the BU are devoid of ideas, strategy, morals or ethics. Which is a shame because a lot of Evertoinans need a proper banner to rally around. If you take this as a pro kenwirght post or someone who against change - then i think you have exactley the reason why the BU will fall fat on its face and actually do more damage toward change then not - Black or white, all or nothing thinking performed be people who to be kind arent that bright or even in pocession of a clear purpose or have the skills to implement it.

Lastly, it has been confirmed that there are a number of parties interested in the club, good luck with your march at the weekend but if i was an investor i would be looking at the behaviour of the fan base and possible future implications and wouldnt bother - in fact i beleive the march could be quite damaging - without really any point or purpose. Lets be honest here a rag tag bunch from Blackburn with a few graffetied sheets are getting more national press at the moment then you lot, while you guys should have more amo to fire, just not the sense to see it - you just bang on about change, pulling the wool over eyes and sweeping things under carpet, while beleiving your James Bond with secret recordings, eventually and up untill this point you do noithing but damage the club.
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Which is a shame because alot of Evertoinans need a proper banner to rally around. If you take this is a pro kenwirght post or someone who against change - then i think you have exatley why the BU will fall fat on its face and actually do more damage toward change then not. Black or white, all or nothing thinking performed be people who to be kind arent that bright or even in pocession of a clear purpose or have the skills to implement it.

What would that proper banner be, Neiler? Maybe you can suggest what would be a suitable rallying cry? Seeing as you're such a vocal critic of the BU.

Lastly, it has been confirmed that there are a number of parites interested in the club, good luck with your march at the weekend but if i was an investor i would be looking at the behaviour of the fan base and possible future implications and would bother - in fact i beleive the march could be quite damageing - with out really any point or purpose. Lets be honest here a rag tag bunch from Blackburn with a few graffetied sheets are getting more national press at the moment then you lot, while you guys should have more amo to fire, just not the sense to see it - you just bang on about change, pulling the wool over eyes and sweeping things under carpet, while beleiving you are James Bond with secret recordings, eventually and up untill this point you do noithing but damage the club.

If I was an investor I'd think the very opposite: I'd think: "We're pushing at an open door here. The fans want the incumbent owners out so we should press on knowing that we'd be welcome".
Thats not entirely true, part of their terms of reference are that they wish to work with the board and CEO and assist in finding investment. The point in the terms of reference comes immediately after they say they want to oust the current board. Now i know what your thinking, maybe not the greatest enticement for the board to allow them to assist, but then anything goes when you want change and are a real Evertonian (give it a rest hey, it's starting to grate) apparently. Incidently they also say they sort the stadium issue etc - ill wait on that one as well, but then maybe im underestimateing the power of marching.

Come on now, sweeping things under the carpet is the same jargon as pulling the wool over our eyes, slightley more lines but its dirval (You seem to like the word, it sort of fits to what you've been writing lately) and pointless and as point of debtae without focuss. Please dont take the moral high road about a lock of transparncey as you openly admit your sole purpose is to oust the board - sugar coating when it suits, secondly the olive branch of communication and transparncey with the club you fecked up, through misreprensenting the transcript and secondly secretlyu tapeing the meeting. The BU has some neck complaining about the club not wanting to work in partnership - you wouldnt blame them, or give out about a lack of honesty.

Thirdly and you are right in the sense that this is about a few fans, your certainly not in the majority and thats largely because the BU are devoid of ideas, strategy, morals or ethics.( please show me the proof of this, honestly id love to see it. An if you proved it, id never go to a meeting again) Which is a shame because alot of Evertoinans need a proper banner to rally around. If you take this is a pro kenwirght post or someone who against change - then i think you have exatley why the BU will fall fat on its face and actually do more damage toward change then not. Black or white, all or nothing thinking performed be people who to be kind arent that bright or even in pocession of a clear purpose or have the skills to implement it.

Lastly, it has been confirmed that there are a number of parites interested in the club, good luck with your march at the weekend but if i was an investor i would be looking at the behaviour of the fan base and possible future implications and would bother - in fact i beleive the march could be quite damageing - with out really any point or purpose. Lets be honest here a rag tag bunch from Blackburn with a few graffetied sheets are getting more national press at the moment then you lot, while you guys should have more amo to fire, just not the sense to see it - you just bang on about change, pulling the wool over eyes and sweeping things under carpet, while beleiving you are James Bond with secret recordings, eventually and up untill this point you do noithing but damage the club.

You say this an that. Have you ever been to a meeting and sit through what they want and say. What gives you the knowledge to say what you say. At least i form my opinion on actually being there and not from half transcripts an here say from other people with there own agenders.

As iv said before im not a member of the BU, but theres no one else to follow. Like you said i wish the was, i want change.

Plus im not after a sugar daddy or to be like City. i just wasn't a owner i can trust an not to sell everything we have and have no vision of the future what so ever.

Thats not entirely true, part of their terms of reference are that they wish to work with the board and CEO and assist in finding investment. The point in the terms of reference comes immediately after they say they want to oust the current board. Now i know what your thinking, maybe not the greatest enticement for the board to allow them to assist, but then anything goes when you want change and are a real Evertonian apparently. Incidently they also say they sort the stadium issue etc - ill wait on that one as well, but then maybe im underestimateing the power of marching.

Come on now, sweeping things under the carpet is the same jargon as pulling the wool over our eyes, slightley more lines but its dirval and pointless and as point of debtae without focuss. Please dont take the moral high road about a lock of transparncey as you openly admit your sole purpose is to oust the board - sugar coating when it suits, secondly the olive branch of communication and transparncey with the club you fecked up, through misreprensenting the transcript and secondly secretlyu tapeing the meeting. The BU has some neck complaining about the club not wanting to work in partnership - you wouldnt blame them, or give out about a lack of honesty.

Thirdly and you are right in the sense that this is about a few fans, your certainly not in the majority and thats largely because the BU are devoid of ideas, strategy, morals or ethics. Which is a shame because alot of Evertoinans need a proper banner to rally around. If you take this is a pro kenwirght post or someone who against change - then i think you have exatley why the BU will fall fat on its face and actually do more damage toward change then not. Black or white, all or nothing thinking performed be people who to be kind arent that bright or even in pocession of a clear purpose or have the skills to implement it.

Lastly, it has been confirmed that there are a number of parites interested in the club, good luck with your march at the weekend but if i was an investor i would be looking at the behaviour of the fan base and possible future implications and would bother - in fact i beleive the march could be quite damageing - with out really any point or purpose. Lets be honest here a rag tag bunch from Blackburn with a few graffetied sheets are getting more national press at the moment then you lot, while you guys should have more amo to fire, just not the sense to see it - you just bang on about change, pulling the wool over eyes and sweeping things under carpet, while beleiving you are James Bond with secret recordings, eventually and up untill this point you do noithing but damage the club.

IMO you work for Everton FC and Bill Kenwright , it's so obvious no one goes through hundreds of pages on the defences of a club in serious serious decline , I've always had a gut feeling you know Bill , after that last post just confirmed it to me
Thanks for pointing that out mate, out of interest why are you marching on Sat?

i'm working , but would because its the only way to show how strong i feel about the state of the club. i have already give up my season ticket and go to selected games. why do you not protest?
And you still say the protesters are in the minority.....

Bullsh*t..... most Evertonians want change...

Most want changes for the better no question about it, but not everyone goes out to protest for it.

Also some would probably protest but it seems they disagree with the BU for whatever reason.

You seem to confuse the many different factors in play.

Now am i right in saying that physically the protests so far have had less than 4000?

Considering there are 10 times the amount of fans statistically speaking they are in a minority.

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