Serious question as foreign supporter

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We welcome all Evertonians no matter where they are from. After all, you have also caught the footballing aids, where weekends are full of disappointment with rare golden periods!!

Am I supporting the wrong club? I constantly see Liverpool fans bashed for being foreign or not from Liverpool. Just makes me wonder if I support the wrong club that doesn't like support from Americans or other countries.
It's fine be to support us from overseas.

The worst that will happen is you'll be called a wool. But then this happens to anyone who is born farther away from goodison than a goalie can hoof a ball.

The other worst thing, now I think of it, is that you'll have to put up with constant disappointment.

On the plus side, you'll look like a football officianado, contented in your own manhood and not a glory hunter.
Am I supporting the wrong club? I constantly see Liverpool fans bashed for being foreign or not from Liverpool. Just makes me wonder if I support the wrong club that doesn't like support from Americans or other countries.
Supporting Everton is like being a recovering alcoholic. You wake up and you know that's as good as it gets and the day is only ever gonna get worse.

In case you can't read between the lines on the sarcastic answers because we are crap this season, there is nothing wrong with being a foreign supporter. No one likes a fair weather fan and you'll find most foreigners support Utd, Chelsea, etc. and are insufferable when they brag about their trophies, as if it was so difficult supporting these teams through their constant years of winning. You'll be more than welcomed at Goodison, so welcome to the Everton family! You won't ever need to worry about being labeled a foreign bandwagoner anyway the way this team is going :(

It's a lose-lose situation for Foreign fans.

If they support a club like Everton, then they will be respected by English fans for not latching on to a 'glamour club'. The drawback is that they will get little enjoyment from the football on display. That's the difference when Americans choose the RS. They're doing it as an ego boost and to try and pass off this feeling that they're a successful person due to the achievements of their football team. Pathetic really.

What the American fans need to think is this. Would you respect an English fan who decided they want to support an NFL team, chose the Patriots, and then started going round telling everyone (including matchgoing American NFL fans) how knowledgeable they are and loyal to the Patriots they are? If the Patriots slipped in to mediocrity there is no way these people would stick with them.

I'd expect the Americans to see right through it, and rightly so.

There is no issue here with foreign supporters, and they are completely welcome. Just don't ever come to Goodison, sit in the Gwladys Street and try and start off that 'Fight and Win' chant like that lad in Seattle lol.
No no sorry I don't mean literally bashed. But that Everton fans make fun of them because many foreign people support Liverpool. I can't stand Liverpool fans myself including the ones here because they always think they achieved something before they have achieved it and that they are somehow entitled to trophies.

I like you already.
I am also an Everton fan from the US. Around 2010/11 I started to despise many aspects of American football: Negative rule changes, player egos, and the whole 4 hour time commitment for approximately 14 minutes of action.

I played “soccer” in high school and college so it was natural for me to gravitate to the premier league as it is the most dramatic and competitive league in the world. I watched pretty much every televised PL match for two consecutive seasons being very pragmatic about who to decide to support.

In choosing Everton; it seemed a clear choice:
1. United fans are scum and I hated that they basically buy their team anew every season without any real development. Basically the Yankees of Football.
2. Arsene Wenger and the entirety of Arsenal FC seemed so haughty and pretentious that I wouldn’t fit in.
3. Liverpool FC seemed so entitled that it was a put off. Specifically with transfer business. Acting like every player in the worlds biggest dream is to be a red. Sod off with that....; The way they’ve used Southampton as a feeder club in recent years is disgraceful.
4. Man City won the league in my inaugural season of PL fandom; and understanding their tortured past, I felt to give them my support would be very band wagon/fair weather of me. So they were ruled out.
5. From day 1 Chelsea were my most hated premier league team. They were the villains, I relished in there poor performances and I have despised them in all the years to follow as well.

So my final choice was between Everton & Tottenham. Both seemed respectable clubs committed to shrewd business, developing young players, strong team play, and knowledgeable fans with a strong ethos.

Ultimately Everton won out due to the strong work ethic and character of the players such as Jags, and Coleman. The blue collar feel of the club compare to spurs won me over as it felt like the people’s club; that somehow everyone involved with the club understood just how much it meant to its supporters and that they used that support from the community as motivation every day. That the community of fans was cherished. Ultimately; even from abroad, I wanted to be a part of that. I haven’t missed a match since committing my support to the club prior to the 13/14 season, and the past two years I’ve enjoyed the matches with my son; whom I watched the derby with on his birthday
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I'm not questioning my support as I have shirts kits and so does my son. We watch every Saturday morning. My question here is if fans welcome foreign supporters
Seriously mate WE, unlike them, like everybody. You get yourself to Goodison and you will get a warm others before you have

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