Homepage Update: Mayor's Bramley Moore Dock Open Letter To Evertonians

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Perhaps significantly, the club themselves haven't said this.

Even if they had, I still can't envisage how. If they gave some details, or there was another stadium where it worked, I'd shut up.

I can understand wanting to know how. But really as long as they do actually know then it's ok.

Until we see images or designs I can't bring myself to worry. They said it will be ok so it has to be.
But aren't you just blindly believing that everything won't be fine?

No, because I don't know - and that's the point.

I want an answer to a very simple question and then I'll shut up - and that question is: How exactly do you not 'compromise' the replication of the 'intimacy' of Goodison Park whilst having to have the room for a 400m running track in a 'purpose-built football stadium'?
Again though can we not just wait and see? We are being told that the complete opposite to what people are worrying about is going to happen, but yet some are deciding to believe it without actually seeing any plans

Not on this. It's too important.

If the Mayor and Architect are so confident, rather than insult the fan base with buzzwords, give some detail as to how this isn't a compromise.

I don't trust Joe Anderson. I don't trust Dan Meis. Why should I? I don't think any Everton fan should trust them to be a custodian of this football club.

Have you been to Hampden mate?

I was there for the Commonwealth games - it represents every concern I have over Everton's new stadium;




Yeah Hampden is crap, but that running track is in there permenantl and it was purpose built to be that way

You can build a football ground and temporarily take out some seats to fit a track in before putting those seats back in
I hope so mate. It may well have been done but I can't think where it has been done before. The second question in all of this, is how are we being compensated as a business to allow LCC to rent our stadium and make hundreds of millions of pounds as a result?
Anderson has already stated that any modification work will be met by the games, why would we need compensation when the stadium would be being used during the close season? Surely our stadium on the Mersey being shown live on TV is great marketing?
My concern is they've used the signing of players to take the sting out of this.

Well the design of the stadium is way more important than a clutch of come day go day players.

I really think it's time that opposition was mobilised and formalised to any attempt by the club to consider this CG BS plan and to leave them with no illusion whatsoever that only a Juventus style interior and stand design is acceptable. If we dont they will hand us an identikit no mark bowl shaped monstrosity for the next 100 years.
For a few days of athletics.

My concern is they've used the signing of players to take the sting out of this.

Well the design of the stadium is way more important than a clutch of come day go day players.

I really think it's time that opposition was mobilised and formalised to any attempt by the club to consider this CG BS plan and to leave them with no illusion whatsoever that only a Juventus style interior and stand design is acceptable. If we dont they will hand us an identikit no mark bowl shaped monstrosity for the next 100 years.

Yeah they've definitely done that like
Well I assume they can have seats there, take them out and install a track and then take the track out and put the seats back once it's done?

With the constant advances in technology there's probably an efficient way of doing that, and maybe the council will cover the costs of doing it as a favour to us for letting them essentially "borrow" the ground for a bit?

They pay to take out the seats and put in the track, we have the games, once the games are over they pay to put the seats back in again

So long as they're paying for it, I'm not that bothered really

Now if they want us to pay for it and it's considerably more of a hassle than that, then I'm going to be somewhat more perturbed
That's my take on this, there is bound to be an easy way of having temporary seating close to the pitch that can be removed when necessary. No loss of atmosphere for the togger and a one off functioning base for athletics.

There is too much money going into this scheme to have a less than iconic stadium as the jewel in the crown.
No, because I don't know - and that's the point.

I want an answer to a very simple question and then I'll shut up - and that question is: How exactly do you not 'compromise' the replication of the 'intimacy' of Goodison Park whilst having to have the room for a 400m running track in a 'purpose-built football stadium'?

I'm not sure you will get your answers on here though mate. No matter how many times you ask the question.
No it really isn't that - the problem is what Meis believes constitutes the 'intimacy' of the ground. His view may be entirely different to ours.

It's not a matter of trust; it's more a matter of logic and math. You couldn't fit a running track inside Goodison, so how do you replicate what Goodison is by including one?
Anderson has already stated that any modification work will be met by the games, why would we need compensation when the stadium would be being used during the close season? Surely our stadium on the Mersey being shown live on TV is great marketing?

Without doubt on the latter point and a massive positive in that regards.

We should be compensated though, because we are renting our home out for commercial benefit of a third party. To do so for free would be awful negotiating from our club.

Imagine if someone found oil in your back garden. Would you rent your house out to them for 2 weeks, allow them to make huge revenue off the back of it, and not insist on some sharing of the rewards? Over and beyond the cosmetic changes they'd have to do to your garden? I will be very interested to know how much we will be compensated in being the key enabler of these games.

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