New Everton Stadium Discussion

Reading the report and watching the interviews etc, my view on it all -

Finance, I'm no expert so guessing that the way it's being structured, is a way of actually getting the funds and also at a cheaper rate (who knows the intricacies behind it?). On a lower scale but, didn't the council do sort of the same thing for the old hmrc building redevelopment?
Other uses, noted that the council have discussed whether they can hire the venue at set points for events.
Capacity, low starting point (50,000) as minimum, used for initial cost analysis and probably will be increased.
Location, where we wanted it.
Goodison, to be redeveloped and include education, health, recreational space and low-cost housing (nice).
Timescale, they've been working on this for a while, so I'd assume everything should be in place (in the background) ready for planning permission to be granted. After that, a couple of years (if we're in a 'get it done' era of ownership).
Design, a bit concerned about Historic Liverpool being involved in discussions about the planning phase. I, personally don't want a big brick warehouse but, instead something a bit more 'modern' and adaptable.

I feel really happy tonight. I used to go to GP when it was the best club ground in the country, when we used to win things, and this announcement is not just about a new ground, this truly is a statement that Everton have woken up and are coming back. There will be many who laugh, but we are on the way afraid, be very afraid......
Wonderful, wonderful news. The way Moshiri seems to have struck this deal is genius - setting us up long term without sacrificing the short term.

I can't wait for it to progress. If the plan is to be in there on opening day of 2020/21, we'd better get cracking.
Reading the report and watching the interviews etc, my view on it all -

Finance, I'm no expert so guessing that the way it's being structured, is a way of actually getting the funds and also at a cheaper rate (who knows the intricacies behind it?). On a lower scale but, didn't the council do sort of the same thing for the old hmrc building redevelopment?
Other uses, noted that the council have discussed whether they can hire the venue at set points for events.
Capacity, low starting point (50,000) as minimum, used for initial cost analysis and probably will be increased.
Location, where we wanted it.
Goodison, to be redeveloped and include education, health, recreational space and low-cost housing (nice).
Timescale, they've been working on this for a while, so I'd assume everything should be in place (in the background) ready for planning permission to be granted. After that, a couple of years (if we're in a 'get it done' era of ownership).
Design, a bit concerned about Historic Liverpool being involved in discussions about the planning phase. I, personally don't want a big brick warehouse but, instead something a bit more 'modern' and adaptable.

Brick warehouse please
But you don't know that though do you?

For all you know, he could pay for it out of pocket and the return on that investment once the club is sold could outperform those other investments you talk about.

Look, he's a smart bloke I'm sure he's done the maths.

All investments are about balancing potential profit vs exposure to risk. He already has a considerable amount tied up in Everton and if he can secure cheap funding and resist having to personally over-expose himself to 300 million worth of liability risk then why not.

I never disagreed with that.

But you completely misread one of my posts explaining that we would never go through the council if Usmanov, Moshiri or USM was going to be the third-party lended and you clearly thought I was complaining about Moshiri not paying out of pocket andgave me a snarky condescending reply which led to all of our conversation today in which you've persisted in being a condescending pillock.
One last time. The percentage interest on borrowing through the council is far lower than any other return possible in investing the same amount elsewhere. He's secured a great deal. Yet you prefer him to just burn money for no reason.

Now stop with the insults.

as long as it looks nothing like Chelsea's remodelled Stamford Bridge

Absolutely hideous.
Finally finished reading all the posts from 1pm today ....
Verdict ...WOW
Moshy and his crew have pulled a blinder in organising the deal in our best interests
Land will be ours so revenue from all ancillaries bars etc will be our revenue
Stadium loan thru svp company
LCC will ensure infrastructure is in place which will probably be offset by the 4m per year
Peel building the waterfront up-to the ground and beyond
USM ff and arm sponsor pays for the next 5yrs payments to svp so no incumbent debt during stadium build
And a funder offering low rates of interest to svp who as yet is to be declared but me thinks is Russian

Over the moon all I need now is Dan the Man to release a glimpse of his plans

My glasses aren't rose tinted ...they are ROYAL BLUE TINTED today.
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