Bill Kenwright

Ok hear me out. I feel a little bit like a curse has been lifted.

With many of his acolytes still roaming? It’s going to take years mate.

It’s interesting how many stayed quiet in the first few months of the year but are now very loud about the points deduction and the Premier League.

Things won’t be fully corrected for a long time here, one mans passing doesn’t eradicate such a culture overnight. I’m just enjoying each of the teams victories as they come, too much has gone on for me to think otherwise.
With many of his acolytes still roaming? It’s going to take years mate.

It’s interesting how many stayed quiet in the first few months of the year but are now very loud about the points deduction and the Premier League.

Things won’t be fully corrected for a long time here, one mans passing doesn’t eradicate such a culture overnight. I’m just enjoying each of the teams victories as they come, too much has gone on for me to think otherwise.


Who are these people? They have nothing to do with the club for the most part, and his stranglehold is no longer over any of them.

The likes of Prentice and co are still there aren’t they? Did you hear that Colin Chong in the interview he gave to the Radio Merseyside for their podcast special covering last season? It was awful.

Imo a rotten culture doesn’t suddenly lift with one man departing, it takes time mate.
The likes of Prentice and co are still there aren’t they? Did you hear that Colin Chong in the interview he gave to the Radio Merseyside for their podcast special covering last season? It was awful.

Imo a rotten culture doesn’t suddenly lift with one man departing, it takes time mate.

Prentice doesn’t set the culture, he’s just a puppet. Who’s there to control him now? Not Bill that’s for sure.

A fish rots from the head down.
