Going through it at the moment.
Bear with me and sorry if this story sounds ridiculous.
My long term partner and I were told we'd find it difficult to have kids.
We were both pretty down about it. Decided we'd take less precaution down the line with trying to stop pregnancy but never really had a plan.
4 days ago we've found out she's pregnant. Now I know this should sound like amazing news but it's like a bus has hit us. I've suffered from OCD, anxiety and depression in the past and it has all flared up at once with this news.
There's a feeling we should be thankful but we both feel absolutely terrified and unsure how to proceed. We can't even confide in close family and friends in case we decide to not go through with it.
I've been crying for 4 days straight with worry and catastrophising going through with it, and not going through with it. My appetite is also completely gone and I can't stop sleeping to find reprieve from my thoughts.
I just needed to get that out somewhere so decided to post on GOT.
I think you’ll find a lot of fellas bottle goes when the reality of having a baby hits them mate.
I can’t say what’s the right or wrong thing to do, as that’s down to you and your missus, but whatever you decide, make sure you take your time and look at the whole picture before making a decision.
Whatever you decide to do mate, I wish you all the best