Some great and more detailed advice on here. Can’t say I’ve got stuck thinking about past events and how people perceived me, but I’ve had (have) issues in overthinking upcoming events in similar terms.
Very noddy and a bit basic, but I’ve always sought to frame it as if you see someone doing something daft, behaving awkwardly, having a big zit, saying something stupid or even offensive you will notice it, sure, but do you honestly remember it going forward, even after a few minutes? Even with friends. Of course not. I/we are insignificant in the lives of 99.99% of people we ever come into contact with. I’m sure if I ever truly offended anyone I would hope and expect them to let me know there and then with a solid and deserved slap. I’ve never been slapped so

Hope the CBT gets sorted. Seems the sort of cyclical thoughts it is perfect for disrupting. You will be good I’m sure