I can only echo what others have said - you have not betrayed your lovely wife and one day, when she is feeling better, she will realise that. You clearly love her very much and have helped and supported her so much. Be kind to yourself x
I like to think that dreams like that are your deceased loved ones coming check up on you and make sure you are OK. As well as reassuring us that they are still around.
That's so true. He's a bit of a closed book at the best of times. Ex forces, served in Afghanistan, and I do think there are residual issues. Fortunately I have a pretty good relationship with him and he does talk to me so I'll keep an eye on him. His Mum is a midwife - which is also a bonus!
Hi folks. I was going to post today with a little update. My son has restarted his immunotherapy and the crazy itchy side effects seem to be under control. His last scan was clear - apparently the first three after the op are the most crucial. That was his second , so fingers crossed for the...
I'm sorry to hear this. I hope you get good news. If you don't then it is absolutely not the end of the world. My son , aged 31, was diagnosed with Stage 3 melanoma last year. Basically the melanoma cells had spread to his lymph nodes. He had an operation to remove the lymph nodes containing the...
Thank you for your kind words. I think my current phase is cautiously optimistic. One of hardest things for me is that as a parent, no matter how old your kids are, you want to fix things for them. I can't fix this, I have no control.
He and his wife are coming up for the weekend- we're going...
Hi guys. I want to apologise for ignoring this thread recently- it is one of the most beautiful places on the Internet, never mind GOT. There's been a lot going on this year. I can categorically say that 2024 has been the worst year of my life to date. In March, my 31 year old son, was diagnosed...
...if these claims are true, they have not previously told you about them and given you the opportunity to put things right. It sounds like utter b*ll*cks to me. Go over their head. Put how it has affected you in your work accident book - work has caused you to be ill. It's like any other work...
Just to echo what the others have said but also ask the school how they are challenging and stimulating your daughter. Her distracting behaviour might be because she's bored rigid . They need to capture her attention with work that engages her. You sound like an awesome Dad.
Just catching up with this thread. Sorry you are/ we're feeling so down. Live music is amazing- whatever it is. It lifts the soul and brightens the mood. So glad you went x
My son is currently receiving immunotherapy- nowhere near as harsh as chemo. Just be there for your Mum, accept that there are days when she won't feel like talking to anybody and tell her you love her - lots of times! Wishing you all the best x
I am so sorry to hear this. Immunotherapy seems to be the new kid on the block and it appears to be doing great things. Sending you love and hope that they can control it in as pain free a manner as possible x