Just over 15 years since I lost my auld fella and he still pops up in dreams quite regularly. Of course it’s always hard to wake up and remember they’re not around, but these days I think it’s quite nice to have chatted to him again however much it might only be a dream. Got to take what you can...
Congratulations on the turn around mate, that's huge.
I'm sorry to hear about your sister's issues and potential diagnosis. Fingers crossed for the best possible outcome. If it is anything other than that, though, consider how you're feeling now and that she would be feeling exactly the same...
Hope everyone is doing ok. My kids are rapidly approaching their limit of time spent with their stupid auld fella so I’ll be trawling these threads soon if anyone is about and wants/needs a natter. Hasn’t got to be Chrimbo related.
Take care, all.
Finally winding down for the festive period now, so I’ll have a little bit more time on my hands if anyone in here needs an ear. I don’t want any of you to ever feel alone, but least of all this time of year, so if a chinwag will help then I’m your man.
I've been away from the non-moaning-about-Everton threads for too long, too. The loveliest thing about this thread, though, is there is never a shortage of others offering help, so those that need a break can take one without having to worry.
I am so sorry you've had an awful year. I can't...
Sorry @EFCPaul
I was getting ready to hit the sack so that reply was probably a bit more abrupt than I intended!
When my lad was first diagnosed I basically mourned him because I thought he’d never be able to do the stuff that “normal” kids do. As someone else has already pointed out, a quick...
My lad was diagnosed when he was 3, so I’ve been living with it for 7+ years mate. I also do some work with the local charity to me. I’m no expert but happy to help where I can. DMs are always open.
Ahhh mate, I’m so sorry. All I can offer is the old cliche that time is a great healer. The grief never completely goes away, of course, but it does get easier.
It’s been 15 years for me, but he still pops up in my dreams now and then, and my lads (both born after he died) know all about him...
The proverbial poo always rolls downhill in any organisation. Middle management will always get given the rubbish tasks like this, and be told “it’s all part of the job.”
Fingers crossed it doesn’t come to pass, but if it does then absolutely don’t be afraid to show some empathy for them...
There’s always gonna be a learning curve mate. That doesn’t make you an impostor, just somebody new to a role with a lot to learn. Be honest with yourself about what you need to learn, work at it and you’ll get there. Again, you were picked for that role for a reason.
Everybody at that level...
I’m no stranger to impostor syndrome mate, so I really sympathise with you. Firstly, it sounds like you’ve made a sound decision, re-upping the medication that’s helped you in the past. Along with your existing support structure, that’ll really help, I’m sure.
Secondly, though, I can imagine...
Great to hear mate. Congrats on choosing someone so awesome to help you through the darker times, and to share in the better times too. Best of luck with it all, and you obviously know where this thread is if you ever need to vent!
Totally understandable mate. Sorry to hear you’ve been through the wringer; to read your post, though, and just the fact you’ve posted in here suggests you’re winning your battle. Long may that continue to be the case.
Oh man, that's awful mate. So sorry to hear it.
I never like to see the "there are people with bigger problems" line trotted out in here. If it is negatively affecting your MH then it is of the utmost importance.
As for whether it'll get easier, I haven't got a clue about this kind of stuff...
I’m sorry mate, this sounds rough. FWIW I’m pretty sure the catastrophising kicks in with every expectant parent, regardless of MH history!!
Ultimately, you guys talked about it at some juncture and decided you wanted to take this risk together. Things can obviously change, but maybe just worth...
You’ve shown good instincts throughout this so far mate. It’s naturally for the “what if?” thoughts to creep in but I’d credit you with enough common sense to know the old saying about the grass not always being greener.
If this situation is making you rethink your relationship, then I’d...
Definitely, although mine manifests a bit differently to yours. I've always been the weekend binge drinker, confident that I can't be an alcoholic, because I don't drink every day.
The last couple of years, alongside a general health kick, I have tried to address it. I haven't binned it...
So sorry to hear that mate.
You’d never second guess cracking a random smile at a happy memory, so if you need to shed a tear or two for your mum, let it out.