Blue Monday has always seemed like a strange idea to me; no day is more universally depressing than another, but January is rough for a lot of people. Post-festive slump, failed New Years resolutions, back to work reality, not having anything to look forward to etc.
Don't let Blue Monday become...
Do you have things you regularly do/can do to take your mind off football? Exercise, a hobby, seeing family & friends etc.
I managed to stop letting football bother me years ago. I was fuming after yesterday's game but just took myself to the gym and a pint with my friend and forgot all about it.
Will your missus honestly even care if you told her? Girl hits on guy she didn't know was taken - hardly anything bad is it. There might be that many people there you can just avoid it the whole time.
How much one what is left to do is necessary, and what is something you can just park for now. Does your missus also feel the same?
It could be as simple as “this is rough, the house is causing a strain on us both, but we both acknowledge it and we’ll see it through together”. I feel like if...
Lost mine on Saturday too; similar scenario with it being a when not if situation. Thoughts with you. Always have fond memories growing up with grandparents involved.
You said it seems to be getting worse anyway so isn't that spiralling in itself? Personally I think it would be worse for you to notice and do nothing about it.
Work is work, whatever really. But a long-term break up, CBT therapy, this time of year being rough for people, just look out for...
From the sounds of it you can't need 100% proof to know what's going on? Sounds like more than just a hunch.
If you deem her a friend then say something to her privately.
Wouldn't you talk to your out-of-work friends if you were worried about their wellbeing? (not their job security)
You're massively overthinking this bud to be really honest with you. It was a completely nothing moment; don't let it wreck your family life which sounds on the up. These sorts of scenarios happen every 5 minutes at work parties. Even if you did think about moving on never, ever move onto...
Do you actually ever want to go back? It doesn’t sound like you do. If you’ve made peace with your past career and are happy in the present and going forwards I’d just tell them no, I’m not going back to that life, it wasn’t for me.