In moderation, it's probably okay but remember to think of it as a crutch. You use one at your weakest, to help you get back on your own two feet but, the longer you use it, the more you'll need it! I think that as you've already identified that it's "no solution", then you should be fine to...
...she’s still your best friend and, with respect, she’s going to need you watching her back more than ever. If the dark thoughts return, tell them to **** off! Your Sister needs her Brother more than ever.
Yeah, that’s easy to type & hard to do but cling onto it mate. Fight those thoughts as...
Made me wonder how Football can be used as an outlet for people. Along the lines of 'not enjoying ones job' or relationship issues, anything really, but looking forward to the match is your mood changer/highlight. (I'm not assuming anything here @ToffeeScot , just general thoughts...
My sincere condolences.
Cancer can go & get :rant:
Your age is irrelevant. She's still your 'mam' no matter how old you are. The fact that you feel this way shows how big she was in your life. Decide that the bit that died with her was the time during her Cancer. Let that pain be the part that...
Sometimes, being diagnosed is just the first step in understanding & it allows you to categorise where you're at. It's not something just about you because it becomes something you're going through that others have gone through before.
I'd respectfully suggest you make sure you're happy with all...
Thank you, & you're not wrong. I found an old Home shirt that I bought for him, from the Landon Donovan era, the V neck one, still hanging in his wardrobe...
Just a little over 9 years now since my Mum passed. If some tears help, then let them flow.
I made the mistake of trying to be stoic, holding it together if you will, as my Sisters were a mess. Figuring that someone had to keep strong to get everything done was a mistake &, to this day, I've...
Well, time for a little self indulgence if I may...
Today marks 50 years since my very first visit to Goodison Park & the only time I was able to watch a game there. As some may know, I was planning on being there for the Fulham game as it was the closest game to the date. Not only was that a...
My thanks to all for your kind words.
As I expect of a fair few families, a little Red crept into the households back in the day, but she was always talking Everton to me. She'd knitted little EFC Snowmen for Christmas baubles, and would be well up on what was happening around the club, even at...
Pardon my self indulgence, but my Aunty, a solid Blue, passed away last night. Last family member of my Mums generation & whilst there are still relatives on Merseyside, it'll never be the same for me. To add insult to injury, this is the second time that Covid has conspired to keep me from...
For clarity, I want to emphasise that I totally agree with this. You can control what influences your feelings with the simplicity of an off switch sometimes but.... I'd like to play Devils Advocate for a moment.
I believe that there is inherent value in resilience. I don't mean that in the...
10 years ago today I was on the back of a Fire Truck heading into the worst Natural disaster Victoria had ever seen. Didn't know it at the time but we eventually understood that 173 people lost their lives in that inferno.
Clearly, we got out & managed to get 3 civilians out as well but, there...
That was a tough read mate, but nowhere near as tough as what you're going through.
I really just wanted to say something about your last sentence though. Others have jumped in about other matters...
Knowing the current trend in Governments, I don't think they'd send you away for what you...
Can't help but feel for Jack Rodwell at the moment. My concern stems from a quote in the following article;
Don't have the full context of what Coleman was saying, but that, to me, is worrying. Surely a Professional Club should be on to this sort of...
That's great news mate, well done.
It's good to note how the meds can just get you to a point where you're ready to take over the recovery yourself. Like crutches for a broken leg. Everyone will respond differently & to their own timeframe, but it's great to hear when people are back on their...
Please do!
The Mods still need to walk a fine line even here. Good intentions are just that but it's timely to remember that this is an International forum where many different rules apply in the Home countries. That would include some Medicines that locals may not be authorised to access.
That is so resoundingly true here as well. Slightly different system but the end result is the same.
I thought I had it bad when the system in my day saw schools reject students that didn't meet their requirements. I'm not talking about pass or fail but a higher score that gave them the best...
Sorry folks, been absent from this thread for a while.
Just thought I'd update you all on how my Daughter is going. Some may recall she had some massive anxiety issues previously, but I'd like to share where she's at right now. A few weeks back she started at University. I have to be honest &...