I think you may be in the wrong part of the forum ?
If you want to talk about crap, go in the Ale House, talk about Everton, go in the main forum etc 👍
Ps - There’s a new signings section if you want to introduce yourself there 👍👍
I know it`s almost impossible to see any positives in this, but it`s a good thing that they`ve picked this up now and not later on in the pregnancy or after the baby was born.
It`ll give everyone time to prepare and get everything ready for the birth of your Grandson and any help that he may...
We’ve just been through something similar with my mother in law mate, so I’ve got a good idea where you are at the mo, as my missus was beside herself with worry.
It’s all sorted now and the old witch is moaning about the fact she has to go to go in periodically for check ups, so is back to...
Hi mate,
You`re going to know this already and I know it`s only natural to fear the worst, but just try to stay positive as you can until the results of the biopsy come back 💙
Have you tried your GP mate, they may be able to refer you to a support group other than A.A ?
There’s also online support groups have you had a look at them ?
I’ve stopped going, as my lad doesn’t want to go anymore - “ what’s the point dad ? “
I feel much better for it.
Mentally you can handle the odd bad performance and defeat, but not this, it’s just non stop.
If something is getting you down, remove it from your life mate 👍
Keep going with the exercise and maybe set little goals for yourself - I’ve done the couch to 5K, let’s do a park run. I’ve done a park run, let’s do a 10K ?
It’ll give yourself something good to worry about, rather than all the day to day crap that kicks anxiety off.
I’ve had it now for the...
Hello mate,
I’m a long term anxiety sufferer and what keeps the lid on things for me is exercise.
Even a thirty minute jog sorts me out for the day.
I know finding even a spare thirty minutes to get out and do something can be difficult for some due to their busy lives / domestic...
Hello mate.
From my own experiences of my two lads schooling, one of whom who has additional needs, ear defenders are quite common in primary / junior schools nowadays and your daughter won’t be singled out or bullied because of wearing them, as the other kids won’t even give them a second...
Most of what you say there, sounds like stress to me mate and you’re fed up with your job.
I think a hell of a lot of people feel like you do, with regards to their lives - being on a hamster wheel.
How old are you, as the getting up all the time to go to the toilet could be a sign of an...
I appreciate it may be a difficult with your domestic circumstances, but getting her to do some exercise would deffo help her and also give her a bit of a break away from everything, even if it`s only for an hour or so ?
Make sure you keep that text mate and she should also take up the offer of councelling too.
If she ever has to leave due what’s going on, the text admitting it’s his fault could become quite important.
The councillor will help her understand why she’s feeling like she is and teach her coping...