Work will pick up soon and you’ll have no choice! :lol:
Still working from home. We had a big meeting today and it looks like we’re aiming for a October return to the office as opposed to a June one.
I’ve uninstalled my news apps too. I’m sick of reading sensationalised scaremongering news stories.
Things will hopefully return to at least some of the normality we had before and we’ll all be the more appreciative of it.
Hope everyone is enjoying the Easter weekend and having a deserved break.
Brilliant post and just shows that we are very social beings.
We usually spend more time with the people we work with than we do with our own families.
Hopefully there is light at the end of the tunnel and we can all start to head back into the office in the coming months.
I just miss things like getting up and having my commute to work. It’s good having structure for the day.
My home is now where I’m working and obviously there isn’t much else open either.
Yeah, telling her would be a bad idea:lol:
Still going through ups and downs, mate. I’m in weekly therapy. Not seeing significant progress yet but I am hopeful and it’s always good to get the worries of the week off my chest.
I’m looking forward to hopefully being allowed back to the office soon and normal life resuming.
Thanks for...
Thanks for the kind words mate.
I think with my OCD it was making my world very limited because I had my safety behaviours that I felt suddenly had been compromised.
I’m at the beginning of some CBT now but my counsellor has told me that ‘safety behaviours’ are ironically what makes people...
Mental illness doesn’t discriminate. There’s no ‘manning up’ about it and the people who have told you that need to educate themselves about the subject.
It was scary going to A&E but I had the full support of my family because the alternative would have destroyed their lives.
Try and find...
Thanks mate.
100% pick up that phone. There’s no judgement from the people on the other end. They’re there to help and thanks to them I jumped the queue to get some counselling.
It’s been almost three years since I posted in this thread but recently my mental health took a huge nose dive which resulted in me having to go to A&E and tell them that I am at crisis point. I was suicidal and having a complete mental breakdown.
I won’t go into the details but I will say...
Been there myself with the Uni stress, mate, absolutely horrible place to be. You’re definitely not alone in that, a good portion of students are in this mindset around exam/coursework time.
What I used to try to do is work for an hour and then give myself a 10-15 minute break away from it. Go...
Had 10 pints watching the match yesterday and then went to town immediately after it, but didn't drink in town. Said to my mates I was having vodka, when really it was just lemonade in the glass. I remember everything and I'm actually a bit proud of myself that I seem my limit.
How you feeling this morning, pal?
Try lay off the ale, does absolutely no good for people with mental health issues, like us. I find that out the hard way most times!