777 Partners / Whatever the hell you like

Revised Polling options on who wants a 777 takeover

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There are a couple of facts that should be addressed at this point:

1: 777 as we know are being taken to court after borrowing against assets and either double dipping or not owning the assets.

There is no way any of us would have known this and if we did then no doubt this would have been all over the media.

2: There was also no way of knowing if 777 had investors behind them when their interest was first mentioned.

Stating "777 dont have the money to buy EFC" is all well and good but it means nothing. If they had bought EFC he had the out of saying:

"They never had the money themselves, its the investors behind them"

So for me, its extremely disingenuous to make such statements as facts when 777 were never going to use "their own" money.

Its like me making an offer for your homes. I may not have the money but i can speak with banks and other possible investors.

Claiming i dont have the money when i never claimed to...then taking the credit when outside influences (getting sued for something no one knew about) is pretty low in my eyes.

When someone puts out opinion as fact and is wrong every single time...

...they certainly arent an 'Everton expert'.

Pushing an extremely negative and misguided administration agenda where people lose their jobs reminds me of when the RS laid off staff due to covid.

We all said it was disgusting from them. After all the non playing staff salaries added up to pennies compared with the players wages.

But Paul/Esk is advocating for that.

Yep. Nothing to do with the message it's how it's delivered.

Going from digging up the dirt to then suggesting solutions which were both fantastical and dangerous is where I think people got the cob on with.

MSP for example swim in the same water as 777 but will be seen as more attractive. They'll still be borrowing money.

777 got to the head of the table for 8 months and own multiple clubs. They may not have been the right people but they've certainly have gotten ahead in this circle. Hence the dubious hit pieces were taken with a pinch of salt.

Come on catch up Mr Myers. The Bobble has reported the deal is off and most of the media are reporting they are practically bankrupt. Just as if they would fund another 8 million quid which would barely cover a weeks expenses for a club like Everton.
Josh Wander has been fired by 777. Strange, because he is one of the founders.

Don Dransfield (former Man City) is taking over.

777 is leaving football. They want (have to) sell all their clubs. Standard de liege first in line.

News from Alan Myers is very strange. 777 is a fraud Ponzi scheme, why they continue lending money to Everton?

Prepare actions dear Everton fans!! And not a nice letter. They are playing with your beautiful club. You have been silenced enough!!

Take control in your own arms. They don't stop if everybody is watching like grazing sheeps on a field. Take action, come together and protest! loud!

Good luck.
