Whatever the hell you like

Revised Polling options on who wants a 777 takeover

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I see the esk is up to his old scaremongering on twitter again.

He makes bold statements to put fans in a negative mindset which then only makes our club look even more to toxic to prospective buyers which he then uses to support his original points.

He is creating a self fulfilling prophecy from his little bunker abroad.
Can twitter not flag him or something?
Can twitter not flag him or something?
Not really, it would need to be the club and there just isn't anyone to do that. There have been some rumours that Man City recently contacted various media outfits telling them to pipe down in regards to the potential charges they face. It doesn't help we have no board atm.

I’m sorry but the “Esk” just comes across as a complete @rsehole here. It was an excellent articulated tweet by Citizens of Suburbia and the reply was rude and arrogant . He knows he’s met his match there you can spot the prickliness a mile off.

People need to stop giving him the attention he craves.

He’s a know all know nothing bellend.

Feels like that word here is unnecessary on this occasion.

Indeed, who would, Esky? However, teasing the prospect of administration over and over again with absolutely zero evidence to support it and when challenged act like it's a complete affront to be asked to support your agenda with any evidence at all or even a reasoned argument is fine. Apparently. He's a parody account now, as far as I'm concerned. Like Boring James Milner or Keith Azul.

Esk & Paul Brown both losing their heads today lol

They've been getting asked the right/reasonable questions by the fanbase for weeks now yet seemingly refuse to answer them and are now beginning to lash out..

Attention seeking biffs

There's another angle to consider here too, although many will be unsympathetic toward it.

The Guardian and Telegraph and Mail have a duty of care to their sources, and even if the Esk is a willing contributor to their articles he is - when all is said and done - a fan who has his interests in club finances. He doesn't have a national newspaper to hide behind to insulate himself from some of the more insulting behaviour that messengers recieve. He's a private individual. Those newspapers should exercise some common sense. The Esk is used to doubters, for sure. But these matters can escalate with the greater risk (perceived or otherwise) to club stability.

In short: the media are scum, and they'll leave the likes of the Esk high and dry once they've used them.
No he doesn't? lol like at all

He's never indicated that he carries the torch for anyone - he's arguably been one of the most objective figures in all of this if anything..
Respectfully disagree.
My impression is that he occasionally feigned ( in my opinion) to understand the concerns but that he was dismissive of the severity of them.
Classic Shill.
No way of proving it one way or the other , but I don’t trust him.

Respectfully disagree.
My impression is that he occasionally feigned ( in my opinion) to understand the concerns but that he was dismissive of the severity of them.
Classic Shill.
No way of proving it one way or the other , but I don’t trust him.
Could be. I think possibly less sinister, in that he’s another that had good intentions, and does makes some very good points, but his contribution is now expected, and the following may have become addictive. Now it’s just tit for tat.

Some of the abuse and trolling online is abhorrent. But, very sadly, it is the price you pay when you deliberately try to maximise clicks, followers and replies. Bound to bring out the haters. One way to stop it is to pull out. Wish it wasn’t that way obviously.

I do like the Truth fella, as his dour posts contain no attempt to garner followers at all. 😂
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From what I've read and heard of Auclair his biggest agendas are the shameless corruption of UEFA, FIFA and other administrative bodies of the game and their absolute comfort in jumping into bed with anyone with money regardless of how it aligns with their 'values'.

Any disdain he has in regards to the 777 takeover I've read or heard about is reserved for how a group of shysters can come in and leverage clubs for their own gain and the hollow gestures such as "Fit and Proper".
Auclair is superb.

He'd like nothing more than Infantinos head on a stick at the bottom of his garden.

He's been consistent for years about the sewer the modern game is and has been onto 777 for well over two years.

Always worth listening to the Guardian football podcast when he's on. (Semi regularly)
