777 Partners / Whatever the hell you like

Revised Polling options on who wants a 777 takeover

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What worries me is that going by the hubbub it seems these new investors seem to think we can survive a -9 point start next season and that administration would work better for them when acquiring the club. Too much talk of it. I'd rather 777 than administration. Praying for a rich yank consortium or mega bucks Arabs to come in and buy the
Of course administration would work better for them, takes any bit of control Moshiri has away and they pick up the club for peanuts. Im afraid the writing is on the wall unless Moshiri buckles and does the right thing...eg give us away for nothing but a big pile of debt and stadium to pay for.
And if we end up with the administration route, surely better to get it over and done with this season if we have the points. 9 points off next season plus maybe more issues with FFP and selling best players over the summer will end badly. If they get it over and done with now we can rebuid for next season and not have anotherseason filled with noise and never ending cycles of points deductions.
Any one who thinks this 777 lot are our saviours with their Ponzi scheme investment structure is a bigger 🤡 than our owner.

I know v little about George Downing, but I know a fair bit about Andy Bell (even played footy against him the best part of 20 years ago as the company I worked for had a tie-up with his). Google tells me Downing is worth about £500m. Andy Bell is also a very wealthy man, but I would have thought (given his wealth comes primarily from the sale of his shares and his existing equity in AJ Bell) that he was worth less than Downing. Even between them, I highly doubt they could afford to buy the club - they would need a partner. Having said that, I would be fairly happy to see the pair of them take a stake of some and take board seats as this would give me some comfort that there were people on the board who had our best interests at heart.

Only time I've ever seen Downing's name in the press in an Everton capacity before recently was in the pre-Moshiri days when this happened...

Of course administration would work better for them, takes any bit of control Moshiri has away and they pick up the club for peanuts. Im afraid the writing is on the wall unless Moshiri buckles and does the right thing...eg give us away for nothing but a big pile of debt and stadium to pay for.
And if we end up with the administration route, surely better to get it over and done with this season if we have the points. 9 points off next season plus maybe more issues with FFP and selling best players over the summer will end badly. If they get it over and done with now we can rebuid for next season and not have anotherseason filled with noise and never ending cycles of points deductions.
Any one who thinks this 777 lot are our saviours with their Ponzi scheme investment structure is a bigger 🤡 than our owner.

Any points deductions for Administration now cannot be added on to this season.

And Moshiri will not walk away with nothing.

No one thinks 777 are saviours.
They are capitalists. They want us for the very, very lowest price they can get. If forcing administration drops that price they won't give a flying one if they can make a quick buck at the end of it.
I’ve seen acquisitions of slightly underperforming and even perfectly strong businesses lose tens of millions very very quickly just due to the need to install new systems, new operating practices etc. So easy for money to just fall out of a business when every eye isn’t on performance. Dread to think how much a money-sieve like Everton would lose if trying to operate out of the ashes of administration. Yes assets could be sold to generate cash etc, but operationally, day to day, never mind the actual football, disaster imo. People brainwashed into thinking you just go into administration, all debts written off with a middle finger to all creditors, staff all trot happily back into work the next day and start making millions out of a half built BMD selling new kits for £300 a pop and massive global sponsors lining up to associate with your brand.

What worries me is that going by the hubbub it seems these new investors seem to think we can survive a -9 point start next season and that administration would work better for them when acquiring the club. Too much talk of it. I'd rather 777 than administration. Praying for a rich yank consortium or mega bucks Arabs to come in and buy the club.

777 will be going into administration soon enough.

Any points deductions for Administration now cannot be added on to this season.

And Moshiri will not walk away with nothing.

No one thinks 777 are saviours.

Any businessmen who think Everton going into administration and starting with a -9 point deduction wiith this squad are the type of businessmen I wouldn't ask to go and do my weekly shopping for me.

This squad will be weaker next season and simply won't be able to suck up a -9pt deduction to start with. Anyone thinking it's a great option or the best option seriously need to have a word with themselves and maybe go and take their dog out for a very long walk and have a think about painting their spare bedroom or fix the door handle their missus has been asking them to fix for the past 6 months but for the love of God don't be sharing an opinion about how administration is best.
